420PIRF:the More You Know-A Lump of Coal
Don’t make a VOWEL FOUL!
How many certain AW vowel sounds in this assignment?
The More You Know – A Lump of Coal
With Christmas around the corner, lots of kids have been threatened with only getting
a lump of coal from Santa Claus! But hey~ That’s not such a bad thing. Well, charcoal
anyway! Did you know it’s the perfect odor-eater? Put it in your smelly sneakers, a
stinky car or even your fridge. For pearly whites, brush your teeth with charcoal
powder and a plantain stem. Add some charcoal to water and alleviate that NYE
hangover! Sprinkle some powder on an infected cut or even a pimple. It purifies water.
I’m telling you, the list of charcoal benefits is nearly endless. Check it out.
Whoops, More and corner are long O plus R
The first time with Coach Clive

kids/fridge/it/sprinkle: short I sound
charcoal/hangover/pearly: more R sound
The second time with Coach Richard at 8:20 am on 2024.12.23
fridge/list/: short I sound
The second third with Coach Richard at 8:20 am on 2024.12.30
kids: short I sound.
and: stop D sound, there is no schwa sound end of the D, NOTICE!!!!
The fourth time with Coach Lan at 11:20 am on 2024.12.30

pearly: more R sound
threatened: stop T sound
hangover: a is long a sound, more commonly and NOTICE ng sound, do not move your tongue!!!
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