
mysql-online-ddl 是否需要 rebuild

  • 2023-03-24
  • 本文字数:7281 字

    阅读完需:约 24 分钟

作者: db_user 原文来源:https://tidb.net/blog/c3676f7d


DDL 一直是 DBA 业务中的大项,看了 TIDB 的 P 社黄潇大佬的 DDL 讲解,恰巧我们的 mysql 业务大表也遇到了 DDL 的变更项,变更内容是将 varchar(10) 变更成 varchar(20), 这个变更通过官方文档很容易知道是不需要 rebuild 的(这里要注意下这个 varchar(255) 的临界值与字符集有关,如果是 utf8 则为 255/3,如果是 utf8mb4 则为 255/4),但是问题是这个字段是索引字段,所以这里我就不太确定了,那么怎么办呢,解决办法就是看源码和测试了。


1. 打开性能监控

我们可以从官网的文章 1文章 2中明白性能监控是如何打开的

mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments       SET ENABLED = 'YES'       WHERE NAME LIKE 'stage/innodb/alter%';Query OK, 7 rows affected (0.00 sec)Rows matched: 7  Changed: 7  Warnings: 0
mysql> UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE '%stages%';Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)Rows matched: 3 Changed: 3 Warnings: 0

2. 建表并准备测试数据

# 创建表mysql> create table ddl_test(id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,name varchar(20) not null,email varchar(30) not null,key idx_name_mail(name,email));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)# 创建存储过程插入数据DELIMITER //CREATE PROCEDURE insert_test_data(in record int)BEGINDECLARE num INT DEFAULT 0;START TRANSACTION;WHILE num <= record DO  INSERT INTO ddl_test(name, email) values(concat("asd",num),concat("uvw",num));  SET num = num+1;END WHILE;COMMIT;END //DELIMITER ;# 调用存储过程call insert_test_data(1000000);# 删除存储过程 drop procedure insert_test_data;

3. 更改字段长度并查看性能监控

# 查看版本mysql> select @@version;+------------+| @@version  |+------------+| 5.7.22-log |+------------+1 row in set (0.16 sec)# 清空事件监控表truncate table performance_schema.events_stages_history;# 变更测试表字段长度alter table ddl_test change name name varchar(23) NOT NULL;# 查看时间监控表,通过下面可以看到明显进行了rebuild操作mysql> select * from performance_schema.events_stages_history;+-----------+----------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------+----------------------+---------------+----------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+| THREAD_ID | EVENT_ID | END_EVENT_ID | EVENT_NAME                                           | SOURCE         | TIMER_START          | TIMER_END            | TIMER_WAIT    | WORK_COMPLETED | WORK_ESTIMATED | NESTING_EVENT_ID | NESTING_EVENT_TYPE |+-----------+----------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------+----------------------+---------------+----------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+|   1222844 |  4000077 |      4000077 | stage/innodb/alter table (read PK and internal sort) | ut0stage.h:241 | 10065196379488577152 | 10065197613867973152 | 1234379396000 |           5526 |          11290 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000078 |      4000078 | stage/innodb/alter table (merge sort)                | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065197613867973152 | 10065198518747528152 |  904879555000 |           8289 |          12306 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000079 |      4000079 | stage/innodb/alter table (insert)                    | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065198518747528152 | 10065198836121509152 |  317373981000 |          11052 |          12845 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000080 |      4000080 | stage/innodb/alter table (flush)                     | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065198836121509152 | 10065200599444653152 | 1763323144000 |          12845 |          12845 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000081 |      4000081 | stage/innodb/alter table (log apply index)           | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065200599444653152 | 10065200599846345152 |     401692000 |          13229 |          13229 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000082 |      4000082 | stage/innodb/alter table (flush)                     | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065200599846345152 | 10065200599869246152 |      22901000 |          13229 |          13229 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          ||   1222844 |  4000083 |      4000083 | stage/innodb/alter table (end)                       | ut0stage.h:501 | 10065200599873146152 | 10065200615285329152 |   15412183000 |          13229 |          13229 |          4000076 | STATEMENT          |+-----------+----------+--------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------------+----------------------+----------------------+---------------+----------------+----------------+------------------+--------------------+7 rows in set (0.07 sec)


1.inplace_alter 所需的几大操作步骤:


enum_alter_inplace_result check_if_supported_inplace_alter(  TABLE*      altered_table,  Alter_inplace_info*  ha_alter_info);
/** Allows InnoDB to update internal structures with concurrentwrites blocked (provided that check_if_supported_inplace_alter()did not return HA_ALTER_INPLACE_NO_LOCK).This will be invoked before inplace_alter_table().@param altered_table TABLE object for new version of table.@param ha_alter_info Structure describing changes to be doneby ALTER TABLE and holding data used during in-place alter.@retval true Failure@retval false Success*/bool prepare_inplace_alter_table( TABLE* altered_table, Alter_inplace_info* ha_alter_info);
/** Alter the table structure in-place with operationsspecified using HA_ALTER_FLAGS and Alter_inplace_information.The level of concurrency allowed during this operation dependson the return value from check_if_supported_inplace_alter().@param altered_table TABLE object for new version of table.@param ha_alter_info Structure describing changes to be doneby ALTER TABLE and holding data used during in-place alter.@retval true Failure@retval false Success*/bool inplace_alter_table( TABLE* altered_table, Alter_inplace_info* ha_alter_info);
/** Commit or rollback the changes made duringprepare_inplace_alter_table() and inplace_alter_table() insidethe storage engine. Note that the allowed level of concurrencyduring this operation will be the same as forinplace_alter_table() and thus might be higher than duringprepare_inplace_alter_table(). (E.g concurrent writes wereblocked during prepare, but might not be during commit).@param altered_table TABLE object for new version of table.@param ha_alter_info Structure describing changes to be doneby ALTER TABLE and holding data used during in-place alter.@param commit true => Commit, false => Rollback.@retval true Failure@retval false Success*/bool commit_inplace_alter_table( TABLE* altered_table, Alter_inplace_info* ha_alter_info, bool commit);/** @} */
bool check_if_incompatible_data( HA_CREATE_INFO* info, uint table_changes);

2.alter 操作的几种类型划分:


/** Operations for creating secondary indexes (no rebuild needed) */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_ONLINE_CREATE  = Alter_inplace_info::ADD_INDEX  | Alter_inplace_info::ADD_UNIQUE_INDEX  | Alter_inplace_info::ADD_SPATIAL_INDEX;
/** Operations for rebuilding a table in place */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_ALTER_REBUILD = Alter_inplace_info::ADD_PK_INDEX | Alter_inplace_info::DROP_PK_INDEX | Alter_inplace_info::CHANGE_CREATE_OPTION /* CHANGE_CREATE_OPTION needs to check innobase_need_rebuild() */ | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_NULLABLE | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_NOT_NULLABLE | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_STORED_COLUMN_ORDER | Alter_inplace_info::DROP_STORED_COLUMN | Alter_inplace_info::ADD_STORED_BASE_COLUMN | Alter_inplace_info::RECREATE_TABLE /* | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_STORED_COLUMN_TYPE */ ;
/** Operations that require changes to data */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_ALTER_DATA = INNOBASE_ONLINE_CREATE | INNOBASE_ALTER_REBUILD;
/** Operations for altering a table that InnoDB does not care about */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_INPLACE_IGNORE = Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_DEFAULT | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_COLUMN_FORMAT | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_STORAGE_TYPE | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_VIRTUAL_GCOL_EXPR | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_RENAME;
/** Operations on foreign key definitions (changing the schema only) */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_FOREIGN_OPERATIONS = Alter_inplace_info::DROP_FOREIGN_KEY | Alter_inplace_info::ADD_FOREIGN_KEY;

/** 整理重点看下,改变字段长度其实就是改变了索引的长度 *//** Operations that InnoDB cares about and can perform without rebuild */static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_ALTER_NOREBUILD = INNOBASE_ONLINE_CREATE | INNOBASE_FOREIGN_OPERATIONS | Alter_inplace_info::DROP_INDEX | Alter_inplace_info::DROP_UNIQUE_INDEX | Alter_inplace_info::RENAME_INDEX | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_NAME //这里的PACK_LENGTH要注意,也可以理解成字段长度的变化,实际是指字段存储的大小的变化,比如字段是varchar,utf8mb4来看,那么varchar(10)和varchar(63)的PACK_LENGTH都是相等的 | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_EQUAL_PACK_LENGTH | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_INDEX_COMMENT | Alter_inplace_info::ADD_VIRTUAL_COLUMN | Alter_inplace_info::DROP_VIRTUAL_COLUMN | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_ORDER //Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH;这个定义是5.7.23才开始有的 | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH; /* | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_TYPE; */


3. 这里解释了什么是索引长度变更:


/**  Change column datatype in such way that new type has compatible  packed representation with old type, so it is theoretically  possible to perform change by only updating data dictionary  without changing table rows.*/static const HA_ALTER_FLAGS ALTER_COLUMN_EQUAL_PACK_LENGTH = 1ULL << 14;

/** Change in index length such that it does not require index rebuild. For example, change in index length due to column expansion like varchar(X) changed to varchar(X + N).*/static const HA_ALTER_FLAGS ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH = 1ULL << 42;

4. 这里定义了 algorithm 和 lock 的划分:


/**  Data describing the table being created by CREATE TABLE or  altered by ALTER TABLE.*/
class Alter_info{public: /* These flags are set by the parser and describes the type of operation(s) specified by the ALTER TABLE statement. They do *not* describe the type operation(s) to be executed by the storage engine. For example, we don't yet know the type of index to be added/dropped. */
// Set for CHANGE [COLUMN] | MODIFY [CHANGE] // Set by mysql_recreate_table() static const uint ALTER_CHANGE_COLUMN = 1L << 2;

// Set for ALTER [COLUMN] ... SET DEFAULT ... | DROP DEFAULT static const uint ALTER_CHANGE_COLUMN_DEFAULT = 1L << 8;
enum enum_enable_or_disable { LEAVE_AS_IS, ENABLE, DISABLE };
/** The different values of the ALGORITHM clause. Describes which algorithm to use when altering the table. */ enum enum_alter_table_algorithm { // In-place if supported, copy otherwise. ALTER_TABLE_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT,
// In-place if supported, error otherwise. ALTER_TABLE_ALGORITHM_INPLACE,
// Copy if supported, error otherwise. ALTER_TABLE_ALGORITHM_COPY };

/** The different values of the LOCK clause. Describes the level of concurrency during ALTER TABLE. */ enum enum_alter_table_lock { // Maximum supported level of concurency for the given operation. ALTER_TABLE_LOCK_DEFAULT,
// Allow concurrent reads & writes. If not supported, give erorr. ALTER_TABLE_LOCK_NONE,
// Allow concurrent reads only. If not supported, give error. ALTER_TABLE_LOCK_SHARED,
// Block reads and writes. ALTER_TABLE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE };

/** Status of validation clause in ALTER TABLE statement. Used during partitions and GC alterations. */ enum enum_with_validation { /** Default value, used when it's not specified in the statement. Means WITH VALIDATION for partitions alterations and WITHOUT VALIDATION for altering virtual GC. */ ALTER_VALIDATION_DEFAULT, ALTER_WITH_VALIDATION, ALTER_WITHOUT_VALIDATION };


5. 这里是变更索引长度的具体逻辑:


 for (key_part= table_key->key_part, new_part= new_key->key_part;       key_part < end;       key_part++, new_part++)  {
new_field= get_field_by_index(alter_info, new_part->fieldnr);
/* If there is a change in index length due to column expansion like varchar(X) changed to varchar(X + N) and has a compatible packed data representation, we mark it for fast/INPLACE change in index definition. Some engines like InnoDB supports INPLACE alter for such cases.
In other cases, key definition has changed if we are using a different field or if the used key part length is different, or key part direction has changed. */ if (key_part->length != new_part->length && ha_alter_info->alter_info->flags == Alter_info::ALTER_CHANGE_COLUMN && (key_part->field->is_equal((Create_field *)new_field) == IS_EQUAL_PACK_LENGTH)) { ha_alter_info->handler_flags|= Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH; } else if (key_part->length != new_part->length) return true;

6. 具体分析

我们通过上面的 2,3,5 可以发现,ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH 在 PACK_LENGTH(这个 pack_length 在 varchar 的保存实际内容的长度,而我们是 utf8mb4, 所以临界值是 255/4=64,所以变更前后的 pack_length 相同)不变的情况下是 norebuild 的,但是我们上面的实验也确实出现了 rebuild,那么这是为什么呢,我在注释中也写了,ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH 是在 5.7.23 中才开始加的,而我们的实验环境是 5.7.22,所以才会进行 rebuild

static const Alter_inplace_info::HA_ALTER_FLAGS INNOBASE_ALTER_NOREBUILD  = INNOBASE_ONLINE_CREATE  | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_ORDER  //Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH;这个定义是5.7.23才开始有的        | Alter_inplace_info::ALTER_COLUMN_INDEX_LENGTH;


我们采用 5.7.30 进行实验,发现 performance_schema.events_stages_history 的内容为空,所以我们的判断是正确的


初次探索源码,有很多地方可能理解的不对,之后会学习些 DDL 相关的如加 MDL 锁,rebuild 等等的具体操作,会与 tidb 的 DDL 相关交互学习,欢迎各位大佬指出不足之处

ps: 文章首发在 csdn 了

发布于: 58 分钟前阅读数: 4

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mysql-online-ddl是否需要rebuild_TiDB 社区干货传送门_InfoQ写作社区