《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》学习第 2 天,p9-p27 总结,总计 19 页。
1.quantum physics(量子物理学)
quantum 的本意是:c. the smallest amount of sth(量子)。
In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity (physical property) involved in an interaction(在物理学中,量子(quantum)是参与基本相互作用的任何物理实体(物理性质)的最小量)。
2.how transitors work
3.Boolean logic
(1)-ean vs -ian
p12, The conventional way of performing logic on bit quantities is called Boolean logic, after the nineteenth-century mathematician George Boole。
以前我经常纠结于到底是 boole logic 还是 boolean logic。查了一下,概括起来就是:人名+-ean/-ian 表示形容词。至于加-ean 还是 -ian 取决于历史原因(词源的发展)。示例:
-ean 示例:Boolean ligic(布尔逻辑),Euclidean geometry(欧几里德几何)。
-ian 示例:Newtonian physics(牛顿物理学), Darwinian theory(达尔文学说/达尔文进化论)。
(2)boolean logic
4.machine language(machine code)
The binary encoding of the basic instructions of a computer program. This is not typically written by humans, but by other programs such as compilers or assemblers。
10111000 00000001
之前每次看到 machine language 和 machine code 我就犯糊涂:这两个概念是指同一个东西吗?现在确认了,指的是同一个东西。
c. the smallest amount of sth(量子)。
(2)quanta: quantum 的复数形式。
p10, The fundamental idea involves some fairly high-powered (well, yes, Nobel-caliber) quantum physics, but it can be understood in terms of electron transport, as long as you don’t need the actual equations.
u.the degree of quanlity or ability;the level of quanlity or ability(级别),强调 quanlity(质量)与 excellence(卓越性) in standard(在标准上)。示例:Nobel-caliber(诺贝尔级别)。
3.as long as
provided that or on the condition that。以前记中文老是记不住这类短语的用法,现在从英文理解,感觉一下子就通畅记住了。
adj. unstable。
p9, A transistor consists mostly of a type of material called a semiconductor, which occupies an uneasy middle ground between good conductors (like copper) and bad conductors/good insulators (like glass).
adv. in a very sudden or noticable way。
p11, A key aspect of semiconductors is that their ability to transmit electricity can change dramatically with impurities (dopants) in the semiconductor.
(1)diode: di-("twice") + hodos("way, path")
c. a device that controls an electric current so that it can only flow in one direction(二极管)。
p11, When you put a piece of n-type next to a piece of p-type semiconductor (the resulting widget is called a diode)
这本书有一个 Glossary(术语) 章节,该章节对书中重要的概念进行下定义,这点让我很满意。示例:word(The basic unit of data processing in a machine, formally the size of the general-purpose registers. As of this writing (2006), 32-bit words are typical of most commercially available computers)。
1. 编程
(1) Patrick Juola,《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》:https://book.douban.com/subject/3069889/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org

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