《Operating System Concepts》阅读笔记:p162-p176
《Operating System Concepts》学习第 17 天,p162-p176 总结,总计 15 页。
A thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization; it comprises a thread ID, a program counter (PC), a register set, and a stack.
A process control structure that is an execution location. A process with a single thread executes only one task at a time, while a multi-threaded process can execute a task per thread.
2.multicore programming
Multiple processing cores within the same CPU chip or within a single system.
(2)concurrency vs parallelism
A concurrent system supports more than one task by allowing all the tasks to make progress. In contrast, a parallel system can perform more than one task simultaneously.

(3)multithreading model
Many-to-One Model,One-to-One Model,Many-to-Many Model。
(1)emperical: em-("in") + *per-("to try, to risk") + -al(adjective suffix, "of, like, related to")
adj. pertaining to expericence(以经验为依据的)。
(2)empirically: empirical + -ly。
Empirically gauging the difference in overhead can be difficult, but in general thread creation consumes less time and memory than process creation(《Operating System Concepts》第 162 页)。
(1)interleave: inter-("among") + leave("to place")
vt. mix by alternating(使交替,使轮流) between them.
n a system with a single computing core, concurrency merely means that the execution of the threads will be interleaved over time (Figure 4.3), because the processing core is capable of executing only one thread at a time(《Operating System Concepts》第 162 页)。
(1)prominent: pro-("forward") +minere("project, jut out", mons("mountain"))
adj. prominent litrerally imply sth "stands out, jut out", over time, means "very noticeable, important, or famous(突出的,重要的,著名的)"
Lambda expressions—as well as similar functions known as closures—are a prominent feature of functional programming languages and have been available in several nonfunctional languages as well including Python, C++, and C#(《Operating System Concepts》第 174 页)。
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1. 编程
(1) Abraham Silberschatz,Peter Baer Galvin,Greg Gagne《Operating System Concepts》:https://book.douban.com/subject/30272539/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org

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