《自动机理论、语言和计算导论》学习第 8 天,p172-p224 总结,总计 53 页。
1.Context-Free Grammar(CFG)
2.parse tree
p183,But perhaps more importantly, the tree, known as a "parse tree", when used in a compiler, is the data structure of choice to represent the source program。
2.CFG 的应用
(2)YACC parser-generator
1.lone & alone
两者都可以表示做 adjective, adj. be the only one in a place or situation。
in-(in) + ferre(to carry, to bear children)。vt. to form a guess because of that you have。
action of infering。c/u. a guess that you make based on the information that you have。
p175, Let us consider some of the inferences we can make using a grammar for expression in Fig.5.2.
之前一直记不住 adopt 的意思以及 adopt 和 use 的区别,对此进行了梳理,结果如下:
(1)adoption: ad-(to) + optare(to choose, 参考 option)
(2)adopt: a back-formation of adoption。to accept or start to use sth new。
示例 1:p177, Notice that we have adopted the policy of always replacing the leftmost variable in the string。
示例 2:
We employed the Poldolsky method = We used the Podolsky method.
We adopted the Podolsky method = We were not using the Podolsky method before, but we started using it regularly.
(1)institute: in-(in) + statuere("establish, to cause to stand")。vt. to put into effect, caused to be used。
(2)nstitution: a large and import organization, such as a university or bank。
(3) institutionalize: vt. to to make into an institution。
1. 编程
(1)Eric S.Roberts,《自动机理论、语言和计算导论(英文版.第 3 版)》:https://book.douban.com/subject/2274854/
2. 英语
(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org

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