
计算 schemas/AMs 大小的函数及 \dn++ 和 \dA++

  • 2024-02-19
  • 本文字数:11131 字

    阅读完需:约 37 分钟

计算schemas/AMs 大小的函数及 \dn++ 和 \dA++

新开 InfoQ 的说明

大家好,在线孤傲小二~阿沐 CSDN 博客专家 PostgreSQL 数据库内核开发工程师,接下来我会在 InfoQ 上更新数据库相关的使用原理、源码分析及新特性开发等博客。希望大家一如既往的支持,多谢!


  1. discussion:https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/20210714030725.GG9600%40telsasoft.com

  2. commitfest:https://commitfest.postgresql.org/47/3256/

获取最新 patch,重新编译数据库 如下:

[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ ls0001-Add-pg_am_size-pg_namespace_size.patch  0002-psql-add-convenience-commands-dA-and-dn.patch  0003-f-convert-the-other-verbose-to-int-too.patch  0004-Move-the-double-plus-Size-columns-to-the-right.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ lltotal 76-rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres  7768 Feb 18 18:38 0001-Add-pg_am_size-pg_namespace_size.patch-rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres  9609 Feb 18 18:38 0002-psql-add-convenience-commands-dA-and-dn.patch-rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 41334 Feb 18 18:38 0003-f-convert-the-other-verbose-to-int-too.patch-rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 10121 Feb 18 18:38 0004-Move-the-double-plus-Size-columns-to-the-right.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres/patch → master]$ cd ..[postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ git apply patch/0001-Add-pg_am_size-pg_namespace_size.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ git apply patch/0002-psql-add-convenience-commands-dA-and-dn.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ git apply patch/0003-f-convert-the-other-verbose-to-int-too.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ [postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$ git apply patch/0004-Move-the-double-plus-Size-columns-to-the-right.patch[postgres@localhost:~/postgres → master]$


postgres=# select version();                                                  version                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PostgreSQL 17devel on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-21), 64-bit(1 row)
postgres=# \df+ pg_namespace_size List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel | Owner | Security | Access privileges | Language | Internal name | Description ------------+-------------------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+----------+----------+-------------------+----------+------------------------+---------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | pg_namespace_size | bigint | name | func | volatile | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | pg_namespace_size_name | total disk space usage for the specified namespace pg_catalog | pg_namespace_size | bigint | oid | func | volatile | safe | postgres | invoker | | internal | pg_namespace_size_oid | total disk space usage for the specified namespace(2 rows)
postgres=#postgres=# \duS+ List of roles Role name | Attributes | Description -----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+------------- pg_checkpoint | Cannot login | pg_create_subscription | Cannot login | pg_database_owner | Cannot login | pg_execute_server_program | Cannot login | pg_monitor | Cannot login | pg_read_all_data | Cannot login | pg_read_all_settings | Cannot login | pg_read_all_stats | Cannot login | pg_read_server_files | Cannot login | pg_signal_backend | Cannot login | pg_stat_scan_tables | Cannot login | pg_use_reserved_connections | Cannot login | pg_write_all_data | Cannot login | pg_write_server_files | Cannot login | postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS |

如上函数:计算具有指定名称或 OID 的命名空间(架构)中的表所使用的总磁盘空间。要使用此函数,您必须对指定命名空间具有 CREATE 权限或具有 pg_read_all_stats 角色的权限,除非它是当前数据库的默认命名空间。

postgres=# \df+ pg_am_size                                                                                                        List of functions   Schema   |    Name    | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Parallel |  Owner   | Security | Access privileges | Language |  Internal name  |                      Description                       ------------+------------+------------------+---------------------+------+------------+----------+----------+----------+-------------------+----------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | pg_am_size | bigint           | name                | func | volatile   | safe     | postgres | invoker  |                   | internal | pg_am_size_name | total disk space usage for the specified access method pg_catalog | pg_am_size | bigint           | oid                 | func | volatile   | safe     | postgres | invoker  |                   | internal | pg_am_size_oid  | total disk space usage for the specified access method(2 rows)

如上函数:使用具有指定名称或 OID 的访问方法计算表使用的总磁盘空间。

接下来,我们看一下 schema 相关的元命令,如下:

postgres=# select * from pg_namespace;  oid  |      nspname       | nspowner |                            nspacl                             -------+--------------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------    99 | pg_toast           |       10 |     11 | pg_catalog         |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}  2200 | public             |     6171 | {pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner,=U/pg_database_owner} 13200 | information_schema |       10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}(4 rows)
postgres=# \dn * List of schemas Name | Owner --------------------+------------------- information_schema | postgres pg_catalog | postgres pg_toast | postgres public | pg_database_owner(4 rows)
postgres=#postgres=# \dn+ * List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description --------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------+---------------------------------- information_schema | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres +| | | =U/postgres | pg_catalog | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres +| system catalog schema | | =U/postgres | pg_toast | postgres | | reserved schema for TOAST tables public | pg_database_owner | pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner+| standard public schema | | =U/pg_database_owner | (4 rows)
postgres=# \dn++ * List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description | Size --------------------+-------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------------+--------- information_schema | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres +| | 216 kB | | =U/postgres | | pg_catalog | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres +| system catalog schema | 6664 kB | | =U/postgres | | pg_toast | postgres | | reserved schema for TOAST tables | 1000 kB public | pg_database_owner | pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner+| standard public schema | 0 bytes | | =U/pg_database_owner | | (4 rows)
postgres=# \dn++ pg_catalog List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description | Size ------------+----------+----------------------+-----------------------+--------- pg_catalog | postgres | postgres=UC/postgres+| system catalog schema | 6664 kB | | =U/postgres | | (1 row)

如上的 + 和 ++ 也是此次 patch 的新特性,我们后面再详细介绍其实现原理!



postgres=# \dDid not find any relations.postgres=# postgres=# create table t1 (id int, name text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# postgres=# insert into t1 select generate_series(1,100000) as id, md5(random()::text) as name;INSERT 0 100000postgres=# postgres=# select * from t1 limit 1; id |               name               ----+----------------------------------  1 | cf39df21ad05c88d9a2d2264b0642a5f(1 row)

计算表/schema/am 的大小,如下:

postgres=# select oid from pg_class where relname like 't1';  oid  ------- 16388(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_relation_size(16388); pg_relation_size ------------------ 6832128(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(16388)); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 6672 kB(1 row)
postgres=# \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+---------- public | t1 | table | postgres(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_namespace_size('public'); pg_namespace_size ------------------- 6864896(1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_namespace ; oid | nspname | nspowner | nspacl -------+--------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------- 99 | pg_toast | 10 | 11 | pg_catalog | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres} 2200 | public | 6171 | {pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner,=U/pg_database_owner} 13200 | information_schema | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}(4 rows)
postgres=# select pg_namespace_size(2200); pg_namespace_size ------------------- 6864896(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_namespace_size(2200)); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 6704 kB(1 row)

postgres=# create extension pgtam ;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# postgres=# select * from pg_am;  oid  | amname |      amhandler       | amtype -------+--------+----------------------+--------     2 | heap   | heap_tableam_handler | t   403 | btree  | bthandler            | i   405 | hash   | hashhandler          | i   783 | gist   | gisthandler          | i  2742 | gin    | ginhandler           | i  4000 | spgist | spghandler           | i  3580 | brin   | brinhandler          | i 16401 | mem    | mem_tableam_handler  | t(8 rows)
postgres=# select pg_am_size(16401); pg_am_size ------------ 0(1 row)
postgres=#postgres=# create table t2 (id int, name text) using mem;NOTICE: in mem_tableam_handler: mem_tableam handler loadedNOTICE: Created table: [t2]NOTICE: in memam_relation_set_new_filelocatorNOTICE: in mem_tableam_handler: mem_tableam handler loadedNOTICE: in memam_relation_needs_toast_tableCREATE TABLEpostgres=# postgres=# insert into t2 select generate_series(1,100) as id, md5(random()::text) as name;INSERT 0 100postgres=#postgres=# select pg_am_size(16401); pg_am_size ------------ 0(1 row)

注:这里留上一个疑问 为什么 am 的 size 还是 0?

而此时 heap 的 size,如下:

postgres=# select pg_am_size(2); pg_am_size ------------   11780096(1 row)
postgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_am_size(2)); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 11 MB(1 row)
postgres=# drop table t1;DROP TABLEpostgres=# vacuum;VACUUMpostgres=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_am_size(2)); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 4800 kB(1 row)

注:有兴趣的小伙伴们可以自行编译安装 citus,使用其列存进行实验!(目前 citus 上不支持最新 master 分支 暂不写这块)

namespace 的计算逻辑,如下:

// src/backend/utils/adt/dbsize.c
Datumpg_namespace_size_oid(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){ Oid nspOid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); int64 size;
size = calculate_namespace_size(nspOid);
if (size < 0) PG_RETURN_NULL();
Datumpg_namespace_size_name(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){ Name nspName = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); Oid nspOid = get_namespace_oid(NameStr(*nspName), false); int64 size;
size = calculate_namespace_size(nspOid);
if (size < 0) PG_RETURN_NULL();
/* Compute the size of relations in a schema (namespace) */// 计算模式(命名空间)中表的大小static int64calculate_namespace_size(Oid nspOid){ /* * User must be a member of pg_read_all_stats or have CREATE privilege for * target namespace. * * 用户必须是 pg_read_all_stats 的成员或具有目标命名空间的 CREATE 权限。 */ if (!is_member_of_role(GetUserId(), ROLE_PG_READ_ALL_STATS)) { AclResult aclresult;
aclresult = object_aclcheck(NamespaceRelationId, nspOid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_SCHEMA, get_namespace_name(nspOid)); }
return calculate_size_attvalue(Anum_pg_class_relnamespace, nspOid);}

访问方法 AM 的计算逻辑,如下:

// src/backend/utils/adt/dbsize.c
Datumpg_am_size_oid(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){ Oid amOid = PG_GETARG_OID(0); int64 size;
size = calculate_am_size(amOid);
if (size < 0) PG_RETURN_NULL();
Datumpg_am_size_name(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){ Name amName = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); Oid amOid = get_am_oid(NameStr(*amName), false); int64 size;
size = calculate_am_size(amOid);
if (size < 0) PG_RETURN_NULL();
/* Compute the size of relations using the given access method */// 使用给定的访问方法计算表的大小static int64calculate_am_size(Oid amOid){ /* XXX acl_check? */
return calculate_size_attvalue(Anum_pg_class_relam, amOid);}

下面就看一下本次 patch 核心中的核心函数,如下:

/* * Return the sum of size of relations for which the given attribute of * pg_class matches the specified OID value. * * 返回 pg_class 的给定属性与指定 OID 值匹配的关系大小的总和 */static int64calculate_size_attvalue(AttrNumber attnum, Oid attval){	int64		totalsize = 0;	ScanKeyData skey;	Relation	pg_class;	SysScanDesc scan;	HeapTuple	tuple;
ScanKeyInit(&skey, attnum, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, attval);
pg_class = table_open(RelationRelationId, AccessShareLock); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_class, InvalidOid, false, NULL, 1, &skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(scan))) { Form_pg_class classtuple = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple); Relation rel;
rel = try_relation_open(classtuple->oid, AccessShareLock); if (!rel) continue;
for (ForkNumber forkNum = 0; forkNum <= MAX_FORKNUM; forkNum++) totalsize += calculate_relation_size(&(rel->rd_locator), rel->rd_backend, forkNum);
relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock); }
systable_endscan(scan); table_close(pg_class, AccessShareLock); return totalsize;}

postgres=# select count(*) from pg_class where relam = 2; count -------   108(1 row)
postgres=# select count(*) from pg_class where relnamespace = 2200; count ------- 0(1 row)
postgres=# create table t1 (id int, name text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t1 select generate_series(1,100000) as id, md5(random()::text) as name;INSERT 0 100000postgres=#
## 多出来的2个 分别是 pg_toast_16410 t1postgres=# select count(*) from pg_class where relam = 2; count ------- 110(1 row)
postgres=# select count(*) from pg_class where relnamespace = 2200; count ------- 1(1 row)

如上的代码逻辑,开表 pg_class 然后索引循环遍历,然后就可以使用函数 calculate_relation_size


for (ForkNumber forkNum = 0; forkNum <= MAX_FORKNUM; forkNum++)			totalsize += calculate_relation_size(&(rel->rd_locator), rel->rd_backend, forkNum);

注:从上面图就可以知道 pg_relation_size 和 pg_table_size 的差别在哪里了!

list ++


postgres=# create table t1 (id int, name text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into t1 select generate_series(1,100000) as id, md5(random()::text) as name;INSERT 0 100000postgres=# \dn public       List of schemas  Name  |       Owner       --------+------------------- public | pg_database_owner(1 row)
postgres=# \dn+ public List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description --------+-------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------ public | pg_database_owner | pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner+| standard public schema | | =U/pg_database_owner | (1 row)
postgres=# \dn++ public List of schemas Name | Owner | Access privileges | Description | Size --------+-------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------------+--------- public | pg_database_owner | pg_database_owner=UC/pg_database_owner+| standard public schema | 6696 kB | | =U/pg_database_owner | | (1 row)

如上便是计算 + 的个数,对于 \dn \dn+ \dn++ 它们分别对应的 SQL 自然就是不同的,如下:

// 这里 buf.data 的值为:
\dn public0x105c280 "SELECT n.nspname AS \"Name\",\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS \"Owner\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\nWHERE n.nspname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(public)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;" \dn+ public0x106d600 "SELECT n.nspname AS \"Name\",\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS \"Owner\",\n CASE WHEN pg_catalog.cardinality(n.nspacl) = 0 THEN '(none)' ELSE pg_catalog.array_to_string(n.nspacl, E'\\n') END AS \"Access privileges\",\n pg_catalog.obj_description(n.oid, 'pg_namespace') AS \"Description\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\nWHERE n.nspname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(public)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;" \dn++ public0x106d810 "SELECT n.nspname AS \"Name\",\n pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS \"Owner\",\n CASE WHEN pg_catalog.cardinality(n.nspacl) = 0 THEN '(none)' ELSE pg_catalog.array_to_string(n.nspacl, E'\\n') END AS \"Access privileges\",\n pg_catalog.obj_description(n.oid, 'pg_namespace') AS \"Description\",\n pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_namespace_size(n.oid)) AS \"Size\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\nWHERE n.nspname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(public)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;"

\dA 的函数堆栈,如下:

describeAccessMethods(const char * pattern, int verbose) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\describe.c:148)exec_command_d(PsqlScanState scan_state, _Bool active_branch, const char * cmd) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\command.c:794)exec_command(const char * cmd, PsqlScanState scan_state, ConditionalStack cstack, PQExpBuffer query_buf, PQExpBuffer previous_buf) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\command.c:329)HandleSlashCmds(PsqlScanState scan_state, ConditionalStack cstack, PQExpBuffer query_buf, PQExpBuffer previous_buf) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\command.c:230)MainLoop(FILE * source) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\mainloop.c:496)main(int argc, char ** argv) (\home\postgres\postgres\src\bin\psql\startup.c:462)

// 这里 buf.data 的值为:
\dA heap0x105c5b0 "SELECT amname AS \"Name\",\n CASE amtype WHEN 'i' THEN 'Index' WHEN 't' THEN 'Table' END AS \"Type\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_am\nWHERE amname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(heap)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;"
\dA+ heap0x106db30 "SELECT amname AS \"Name\",\n CASE amtype WHEN 'i' THEN 'Index' WHEN 't' THEN 'Table' END AS \"Type\",\n amhandler AS \"Handler\",\n pg_catalog.obj_description(oid, 'pg_am') AS \"Description\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_am\nWHERE amname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(heap)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;"
\dA++ heap0x106de70 "SELECT amname AS \"Name\",\n CASE amtype WHEN 'i' THEN 'Index' WHEN 't' THEN 'Table' END AS \"Type\",\n amhandler AS \"Handler\",\n pg_catalog.obj_description(oid, 'pg_am') AS \"Description\",\n pg_catalog.pg_size_pretty(pg_catalog.pg_am_size(oid)) AS \"Size\"\nFROM pg_catalog.pg_am\nWHERE amname OPERATOR(pg_catalog.~) '^(heap)$' COLLATE pg_catalog.default\nORDER BY 1;"


  • 元命令中根据+的个数,以转换出不同的 SQL

  • 对于获取 size,元命令(不只是上面这两个)都是调用具体的 pg_proc 函数 例如:pg_am_size 等

发布于: 刚刚阅读数: 5

还未添加个人签名 2019-09-08 加入



计算schemas/AMs 大小的函数及 \dn++ 和 \dA++_孤傲小二~阿沐_InfoQ写作社区