Eclipse Theia 技术揭秘——脚手架源码分析
- 2022 年 9 月 28 日 北京
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在之前的文章中,我们介绍了 Theia 的构建,其中用到了很多 theia 的命令,这些命令来自于 @theia/cli 这个库,本篇文章我们就对 @theia/cli 以及相关联的库进行分析。本篇文章是继构建桌面 IDE,工程代码为Theia Blueprint,源码版本是 1.28.0。
首先我们在 Github 中下载Theia的源码。

源码目录中我们主要关注 dev-packages 和 packages 两个包,dev-packages 是开发工具包,packages 下是 Theia 的核心依赖包,我们重点看一下 dev-packages 下的内容。

application-manager:应用工程管理器,提供 Frontend、Backend、Webpack 代码生成
application-package:应用 package.json 配置解析,管理 Application、Extensions
cli:是一个命令行工具,用于管理基于 Theia 的应用程序,为扩展和应用程序开发提供了有用的脚本和命令
ffmpeg:是一个Node Native 插件,用于动态链接到 Electronffmpeg.dll 并获取包含的编解码器列表
localization-manager:用于为不同语言创建 Theia 和 Theia 扩展的本地化
ovsx-client:该包用于通过其 REST API@theia/ovsx-client 进行交互。open-vsx 该包允许客户端获取扩展及其元数据、搜索注册表,并包含必要的逻辑来根据提供的支持的 API 版本确定兼容性
private-eslint-plugin:对 Eclipse Theia 开发有用的 @theia/eslint-plugin 贡献规则。该插件通过静态分析帮助识别开发过程中的问题,包括代码质量、潜在问题和代码异常。
private-ext-scripts:是一个命令行工具,用于在 Theia 包中运行共享的 npm 脚本
然后我们重点看一下 cli 这个库。
CLI 分析
在 package.json 中可以看到 bin 字段注册的 theia 命令。
"bin": {
"theia": "./bin/theia"

看一下 bin/theia 的内容。
#!/usr/bin/env node
他引用了编译后 lib 下的 theia,也就是编译前 src 下的 theia.ts。我们具体看一下 theia.ts 做了哪些内容。

我们可以看到这个文件中引用了 @theia/application-manager、@theia/application-package、@theia/ffmpeg 以及 @theia/localization-manager 库,并定义了一些函数,然后执行了 theiaCli 这个函数,我们针对 theiaCli 这个函数具体看一下。

我们根据工程中使用了 theia clean、theia build、theia rebuild:electron、theia download:plugins 这四个命令。
theia clean
我们从代码中可以看到 theia clean 最终调用了 ApplicationPackageManager 的 clean 方法,我们找到 application-manager 包下的 application-package-manager.ts 文件可以看到 ApplicationPackageManager 中定义的 clean 方法。
protected async remove(fsPath: string): Promise<void> {
if (await fs.pathExists(fsPath)) {
await fs.remove(fsPath);
async clean(): Promise<void> {
await Promise.all([
this.remove(new WebpackGenerator(this.pck).genConfigPath)
可以看到 clean 删除了三个部分,分别是 lib、src-gen、以及 webpack 的配置文件 gen-webpack.config.js。其中 this.pck 是 application-package 下的 application-package.ts 的 ApplicationPackage,我们可以看一下 lib 和 srcGen 方法的定义。
path(...segments: string[]): string {
return paths.resolve(this.projectPath, ...segments);
lib(...segments: string[]): string {
return this.path('lib', ...segments);
srcGen(...segments: string[]): string {
return this.path('src-gen', ...segments);
getConfigPath 就是 WebpackGenerator 中定义的。
get genConfigPath(): string {
return this.pck.path('gen-webpack.config.js');
theia build
theia build 命令会调用 ApplicationPackageManager 的 build 方法。看一下 build 方法的定义。
async prepare(): Promise<void> {
if (this.pck.isElectron()) {
await this.prepareElectron();
async generate(options: GeneratorOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.prepare();
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AbortError) {
throw error;
await Promise.all([
new WebpackGenerator(this.pck, options).generate(),
new BackendGenerator(this.pck, options).generate(),
new FrontendGenerator(this.pck, options).generate(),
async build(args: string[] = [], options: GeneratorOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
await this.generate(options);
await this.copy();
return'webpack', args);
protected async prepareElectron(): Promise<void> {
let theiaElectron;
try {
theiaElectron = await import('@theia/electron');
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw new AbortError('Please install @theia/electron as part of your Theia Electron application');
throw error;
const expectedRange = theiaElectron.electronRange;
const appPackageJsonPath = this.pck.path('package.json');
const appPackageJson = await fs.readJSON(appPackageJsonPath) as { devDependencies?: Record<string, string> };
if (!appPackageJson.devDependencies) {
appPackageJson.devDependencies = {};
const currentRange: string | undefined = appPackageJson.devDependencies.electron;
if (!currentRange ||, semver.minVersion(expectedRange)) < 0) {
// Update the range with the recommended one and write it on disk.
appPackageJson.devDependencies = this.insertAlphabetically(appPackageJson.devDependencies, 'electron', expectedRange);
await fs.writeJSON(appPackageJsonPath, appPackageJson, { spaces: 2 });
throw new AbortError('Updated dependencies, please run "install" again');
if (!theiaElectron.electronVersion || !semver.satisfies(theiaElectron.electronVersion, currentRange)) {
throw new AbortError('Dependencies are out of sync, please run "install" again');
await ffmpeg.replaceFfmpeg();
await ffmpeg.checkFfmpeg();
async copy(): Promise<void> {
await fs.ensureDir(this.pck.lib());
await fs.copy(this.pck.frontend('index.html'), this.pck.lib('index.html'));
我们看到 build 方法做了三件事。
调用 generate 函数,这个函数中最终会校验 electron 版本,调用 WebpackGenerator 生成 gen-webpack.config.js,调用 BackendGenerator 生成 src-gen/backend 下 main.js 和 server.js,调用 FrontendGenerator 生成 src-gen/frontend 下 electron-main.js、index.html 和 index.js。
调用 copy 函数,将 src-gen/frontend 下的 index.html 复制到 lib 目录下
调用 webpack 进行编译
theia rebuild:electron
这个命令最终调用 application-manager 包下的 rebuild.ts 文件中 rebuild 方法。
export const DEFAULT_MODULES = [
* @param target What to rebuild for.
* @param options
export function rebuild(target: RebuildTarget, options: RebuildOptions = {}): void {
const {
cacheRoot = process.cwd(),
} = options;
const cache = path.resolve(cacheRoot, '.browser_modules');
const cacheExists = folderExists(cache);
guardExit(async token => {
if (target === 'electron' && !cacheExists) {
process.exitCode = await rebuildElectronModules(cache, modules, forceAbi, token);
} else if (target === 'browser' && cacheExists) {
process.exitCode = await revertBrowserModules(cache, modules);
} else {
console.log(`native node modules are already rebuilt for ${target}`);
}).catch(errorOrSignal => {
if (typeof errorOrSignal === 'string' && errorOrSignal in os.constants.signals) {
process.kill(, errorOrSignal);
} else {
throw errorOrSignal;
async function rebuildElectronModules(browserModuleCache: string, modules: string[], forceAbi: NodeABI | undefined, token: ExitToken): Promise<number> {
const modulesJsonPath = path.join(browserModuleCache, 'modules.json');
const modulesJson: ModulesJson = await fs.access(modulesJsonPath).then(
() => fs.readJson(modulesJsonPath),
() => ({})
let success = true;
// Backup already built browser modules.
await Promise.all( module => {
let modulePath;
try {
modulePath = require.resolve(`${module}/package.json`, {
paths: [process.cwd()],
} catch (_) {
console.debug(`Module not found: ${module}`);
return; // Skip current module.
const src = path.dirname(modulePath);
const dest = path.join(browserModuleCache, module);
try {
await fs.remove(dest);
await fs.copy(src, dest, { overwrite: true });
modulesJson[module] = {
originalLocation: src,
console.debug(`Processed "${module}"`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error while doing a backup for "${module}": ${error}`);
success = false;
if (Object.keys(modulesJson).length === 0) {
console.debug('No module to rebuild.');
return 0;
// Update manifest tracking the backups' original locations.
await fs.writeJson(modulesJsonPath, modulesJson, { spaces: 2 });
// If we failed to process a module then exit now.
if (!success) {
return 1;
const todo = => {
// electron-rebuild ignores the module namespace...
const slash = m.indexOf('/');
return m.startsWith('@') && slash !== -1
? m.substring(slash + 1)
: m;
let exitCode: number | undefined;
try {
exitCode = await runElectronRebuild(todo, forceAbi, token);
} else {
exitCode = await electronRebuildExtraModulesWorkaround(process.cwd(), todo, () => runElectronRebuild(todo, forceAbi, token), token);
} catch (error) {
} finally {
// If code is undefined or different from zero we need to revert back to the browser modules.
if (exitCode !== 0) {
await revertBrowserModules(browserModuleCache, modules);
return exitCode ?? 1;
async function runElectronRebuild(modules: string[], forceAbi: NodeABI | undefined, token: ExitToken): Promise<number> {
const todo = modules.join(',');
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let command = `npx --no-install electron-rebuild -f -w=${todo} -o=${todo}`;
if (forceAbi) {
command += ` --force-abi ${forceAbi}`;
const electronRebuild = cp.spawn(command, {
stdio: 'inherit',
shell: true,
token.onSignal(signal => electronRebuild.kill(signal));
electronRebuild.on('error', reject);
electronRebuild.on('close', (code, signal) => {
if (signal) {
reject(new Error(`electron-rebuild exited with "${signal}"`));
} else {
在 rebuild 方法中会先创建.browser_modules 目录,然后调用 rebuildElectronModules 方法将’node-pty’, ‘nsfw’, ‘native-keymap’, ‘find-git-repositories’, ‘drivelist’这几个模块源码复制到.browser_modules 并生成 modules.json 配置文件。最终调用 runElectronRebuild 方法,这个方法中执行了 electron-rebuild 命令,将 Electron 项目使用的 Node.js 版本重建上述配置的原生 Node.js 模块。
theia download:plugins
这个命令会调用 cli 包下 download-plugins.ts 文件下 downloadPlugins 方法。
export default async function downloadPlugins(options: DownloadPluginsOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
const {
packed = false,
ignoreErrors = false,
apiUrl = '',
parallel = true,
} = options;
strictSSL: strictSsl
// Collect the list of failures to be appended at the end of the script.
const failures: string[] = [];
// Resolve the `package.json` at the current working directory.
const pck = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.resolve('package.json'), 'utf8'));
// Resolve the directory for which to download the plugins.
const pluginsDir = pck.theiaPluginsDir || 'plugins';
// Excluded extension ids.
const excludedIds = new Set<string>(pck.theiaPluginsExcludeIds || []);
const parallelOrSequence = async (...tasks: Array<() => unknown>) => {
if (parallel) {
await Promise.all( => task()));
} else {
for (const task of tasks) {
await task();
// Downloader wrapper
const downloadPlugin = (plugin: PluginDownload): Promise<void> => downloadPluginAsync(failures,, plugin.downloadUrl, pluginsDir, packed, plugin.version);
const downloader = async (plugins: PluginDownload[]) => {
await parallelOrSequence( => () => downloadPlugin(plugin)));
await fs.mkdir(pluginsDir, { recursive: true });
if (!pck.theiaPlugins) {
console.log('error: missing mandatory \'theiaPlugins\' property.'));
try {
console.warn('--- downloading plugins ---');
// Download the raw plugins defined by the `theiaPlugins` property.
// This will include both "normal" plugins as well as "extension packs".
const pluginsToDownload = Object.entries(pck.theiaPlugins)
.filter((entry: [string, unknown]): entry is [string, string] => typeof entry[1] === 'string')
.map(([pluginId, url]) => ({ id: pluginId, downloadUrl: url }));
await downloader(pluginsToDownload);
const handleDependencyList = async (dependencies: Array<string | string[]>) => {
const client = new OVSXClient({ apiVersion, apiUrl }, requestService);
// De-duplicate extension ids to only download each once:
const ids = new Set<string>(dependencies.flat());
await parallelOrSequence(...Array.from(ids, id => async () => {
try {
const extension = await client.getLatestCompatibleExtensionVersion(id);
const version = extension?.version;
const downloadUrl = extension?;
if (downloadUrl) {
await downloadPlugin({ id, downloadUrl, version });
} else {
failures.push(`No download url for extension pack ${id} (${version})`);
} catch (err) {
console.warn('--- collecting extension-packs ---');
const extensionPacks = await collectExtensionPacks(pluginsDir, excludedIds);
if (extensionPacks.size > 0) {
console.warn(`--- resolving ${extensionPacks.size} extension-packs ---`);
await handleDependencyList(Array.from(extensionPacks.values()));
console.warn('--- collecting extension dependencies ---');
const pluginDependencies = await collectPluginDependencies(pluginsDir, excludedIds);
if (pluginDependencies.length > 0) {
console.warn(`--- resolving ${pluginDependencies.length} extension dependencies ---`);
await handleDependencyList(pluginDependencies);
} finally {
for (const failure of failures) {
if (!ignoreErrors && failures.length > 0) {
throw new Error('Errors downloading some plugins. To make these errors non fatal, re-run with --ignore-errors');
* Walk the plugin directory and collect available extension paths.
* @param pluginDir the plugin directory.
* @returns the list of all available extension paths.
async function collectPackageJsonPaths(pluginDir: string): Promise<string[]> {
const packageJsonPathList: string[] = [];
const files = await fs.readdir(pluginDir);
// Recursively fetch the list of extension `package.json` files.
for (const file of files) {
const filePath = path.join(pluginDir, file);
if ((await fs.stat(filePath)).isDirectory()) {
packageJsonPathList.push(...await collectPackageJsonPaths(filePath));
} else if (path.basename(filePath) === 'package.json' && !path.dirname(filePath).includes('node_modules')) {
return packageJsonPathList;
* Get the mapping of extension-pack paths and their included plugin ids.
* - If an extension-pack references an explicitly excluded `id` the `id` will be omitted.
* @param pluginDir the plugin directory.
* @param excludedIds the list of plugin ids to exclude.
* @returns the mapping of extension-pack paths and their included plugin ids.
async function collectExtensionPacks(pluginDir: string, excludedIds: Set<string>): Promise<Map<string, string[]>> {
const extensionPackPaths = new Map<string, string[]>();
const packageJsonPaths = await collectPackageJsonPaths(pluginDir);
await Promise.all( packageJsonPath => {
const json = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(packageJsonPath, 'utf8'));
const extensionPack: unknown = json.extensionPack;
if (Array.isArray(extensionPack)) {
extensionPackPaths.set(packageJsonPath, extensionPack.filter(id => {
if (excludedIds.has(id)) {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`'${id}' referred to by '${}' (ext pack) is excluded because of 'theiaPluginsExcludeIds'`));
return false; // remove
return true; // keep
return extensionPackPaths;
* Get the mapping of paths and their included plugin ids.
* - If an extension-pack references an explicitly excluded `id` the `id` will be omitted.
* @param pluginDir the plugin directory.
* @param excludedIds the list of plugin ids to exclude.
* @returns the mapping of extension-pack paths and their included plugin ids.
async function collectPluginDependencies(pluginDir: string, excludedIds: Set<string>): Promise<string[]> {
const dependencyIds: string[] = [];
const packageJsonPaths = await collectPackageJsonPaths(pluginDir);
await Promise.all( packageJsonPath => {
const json = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(packageJsonPath, 'utf8'));
const extensionDependencies: unknown = json.extensionDependencies;
if (Array.isArray(extensionDependencies)) {
for (const dependency of extensionDependencies) {
if (excludedIds.has(dependency)) {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`'${dependency}' referred to by '${}' is excluded because of 'theiaPluginsExcludeIds'`));
} else {
return dependencyIds;
首先调用 @theia/request 包中的请求服务并配置,然后读取 package.json,获取 theiaPluginsDir、theiaPluginsExcludeIds 和 theiaPlugins 的配置,根据 theiaPlugins 配置的插件列表将插件下载到 theiaPluginsDir 配置的目录下,然后遍历 theiaPluginsDir 目录下的插件,读取插件的 package.json,获取 extensionPack 和 extensionDependencies 不包含 theiaPluginsExcludeIds 配置的插件,extensionPack 是具有可以一起安装的扩展 ID 的数组。扩展的 id 始终是publisher.{name}. 例如:vscode.csharp,extensionDependencies 是具有此扩展所依赖的扩展 ID 的数组。扩展的 id 始终是publisher.{name}. 例如:vscode.csharp。他们都是 vscode 插件的配置,具体可以查阅 vscode扩展清单 ,获取列表之后再下载对应的插件。
Theia Blueprint 启动
上面脚手架的一些命令了解之后,我们看一下 Theia Blueprint 的启动过程。我们看一下 package.json 中的启动脚本。
"scripts": {
"start": "electron scripts/theia-electron-main.js"
它调用 electron 命令执行了 theia-electron-main.js 的启动脚本,其中 package.json 中 main 配置也是main”: “scripts/theia-electron-main.js
,package.json 中指定的脚本文件 main 是所有 Electron 应用的入口点。 这个文件控制 主程序 (main process),它运行在 Node.js 环境里,负责控制您应用的生命周期、显示原生界面、执行特殊操作并管理渲染器进程 (renderer processes)。electron具体可以查阅对应的文档。
// scripts/theia-electron-main.js
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')
// Update to override the supported VS Code API version.
// process.env.VSCODE_API_VERSION = '1.50.0'
// Use a set of builtin plugins in our application.
process.env.THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS = `local-dir:${path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'plugins')}`
// Lookup inside the user's home folder for more plugins, and accept user-defined paths.
process.env.THEIA_PLUGINS = [
process.env.THEIA_PLUGINS, `local-dir:${path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.theia', 'plugins')}`,
// Handover to the auto-generated electron application handler.
其中定义了一些环境变量,然后引入 src-gen/frontend/electron-main.js 文件。
// @ts-check
// Useful for Electron/NW.js apps as GUI apps on macOS doesn't inherit the `$PATH` define
// in your dotfiles (.bashrc/.bash_profile/.zshrc/etc).
// Workaround for Chrome has an issue where
// in certain locales (e.g. PL), image metrics are wrongly computed. We explicitly set the
// LC_NUMERIC to prevent this from happening (selects the numeric formatting category of the
// C locale,
if (process.env.LC_ALL) {
process.env.LC_ALL = 'C';
process.env.LC_NUMERIC = 'C';
const { default: electronMainApplicationModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/electron-main/electron-main-application-module');
const { ElectronMainApplication, ElectronMainApplicationGlobals } = require('@theia/core/lib/electron-main/electron-main-application');
const { Container } = require('inversify');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const { app } = require('electron');
// Fix the window reloading issue, see:
app.allowRendererProcessReuse = false;
const config = {
"applicationName": "Theia Blueprint",
"defaultTheme": "dark",
"defaultIconTheme": "none",
"electron": {
"windowOptions": {}
"defaultLocale": "",
"validatePreferencesSchema": true,
"preferences": {
"toolbar.showToolbar": true
const isSingleInstance = false;
if (isSingleInstance && !app.requestSingleInstanceLock()) {
// There is another instance running, exit now. The other instance will request focus.
const container = new Container();
THEIA_APP_PROJECT_PATH: resolve(__dirname, '..', '..'),
THEIA_BACKEND_MAIN_PATH: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'backend', 'main.js'),
THEIA_FRONTEND_HTML_PATH: resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'lib', 'index.html'),
function load(raw) {
return Promise.resolve(raw.default).then(module =>
async function start() {
const application = container.get(ElectronMainApplication);
await application.start(config);
module.exports = Promise.resolve()
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('theia-blueprint-updater/lib/electron-main/update/theia-updater-main-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('theia-blueprint-product/lib/electron-main/theia-blueprint-main-module')).then(load) })
.then(start).catch(reason => {
console.error('Failed to start the electron application.');
if (reason) {
在这个文件中定义了一个 IOC 容器,然后加载了 @theia/core 下的 electronMainApplicationModule,electronMainApplicationModule 是一个 ContainerModule,里面绑定了 ElectronMainApplication 等,绑定常量 THEIA_APP_PROJECT_PATH、THEIA_BACKEND_MAIN_PATH、THEIA_FRONTEND_HTML_PATH。然后加载 theia-blueprint-updater 和 theia-blueprint-product 我们自定义的扩展,然后通过 container.get(ElectronMainApplication)获取 ElectronMainApplication 实例,调用 start 方法并传入 config。
我们之前看到 electron-main.js 是由 application-manager 下 frontend-generator.ts 中 FrontendGenerator 生成的,其中 config 是由 application-package 读取 package.json 生成提供的。
const config = ${this.prettyStringify(this.pck.props.frontend.config)};
get props(): ApplicationProps {
if (this._props) {
return this._props;
const theia = this.pck.theia || {};
if (this.options.appTarget) { = this.options.appTarget;
if ( && !( in ApplicationProps.ApplicationTarget)) {
const defaultTarget = ApplicationProps.ApplicationTarget.browser;
console.warn(`Unknown application target '${}', '${defaultTarget}' to be used instead`); = defaultTarget;
return this._props = deepmerge(ApplicationProps.DEFAULT, theia);
protected _pck: NodePackage | undefined;
get pck(): NodePackage {
if (this._pck) {
return this._pck;
return this._pck = readJsonFile(this.packagePath);
可以看出 config 是读取 package.json 中 theia 字段获取的。
其中 theia-blueprint-updater 和 theia-blueprint-product 也是自动生成的。他主要由 application-package 提供的,他会遍历 package.json 的依赖包,收集 package.json 中 theiaExtensions 有 electronMain 的依赖。theiaExtensions 是我们列出导出 DI 模块的 JavaScript 模块,这些模块定义了我们扩展的绑定。
module.exports = Promise.resolve()${this.compileElectronMainModuleImports(electronMainModules)}
.then(start).catch(reason => {
console.error('Failed to start the electron application.');
if (reason) {
get electronMainModules(): Map<string, string> {
if (!this._electronMainModules) {
this._electronMainModules = this.computeModules('electronMain');
return this._electronMainModules;
protected computeModules<P extends keyof Extension, S extends keyof Extension = P>(primary: P, secondary?: S): Map<string, string> {
const result = new Map<string, string>();
let moduleIndex = 1;
for (const extensionPackage of this.extensionPackages) {
const extensions = extensionPackage.theiaExtensions;
if (extensions) {
for (const extension of extensions) {
const modulePath = extension[primary] || (secondary && extension[secondary]);
if (typeof modulePath === 'string') {
const extensionPath = paths.join(, modulePath).split(paths.sep).join('/');
result.set(`${primary}_${moduleIndex}`, extensionPath);
moduleIndex = moduleIndex + 1;
return result;
然后我们看一下 ElectronMainApplication 的 start 方法做了哪些内容。这里提及一下 electron 分为主进程和渲染进程,主进程负责创建窗口并加载 html,而 html 中的代码运行在渲染进程中。
async start(config: FrontendApplicationConfig): Promise<void> {
this.useNativeWindowFrame = this.getTitleBarStyle(config) === 'native';
this._config = config;
const port = await this.startBackend();
await app.whenReady();
await this.attachElectronSecurityToken(port);
await this.startContributions();
await this.launch({
secondInstance: false,
argv: this.processArgv.getProcessArgvWithoutBin(process.argv),
cwd: process.cwd()
protected async startBackend(): Promise<number> {
// Check if we should run everything as one process.
const noBackendFork = process.argv.indexOf('--no-cluster') !== -1;
// We cannot use the `process.cwd()` as the application project path (the location of the `package.json` in other words)
// in a bundled electron application because it depends on the way we start it. For instance, on OS X, these are a differences:
// Set the electron version for both the dev and the production mode. (
// Otherwise, the forked backend processes will not know that they're serving the electron frontend.
process.env.THEIA_ELECTRON_VERSION = process.versions.electron;
if (noBackendFork) {
process.env[ElectronSecurityToken] = JSON.stringify(this.electronSecurityToken);
// The backend server main file is supposed to export a promise resolving with the port used by the http(s) server.
const address: AddressInfo = await require(this.globals.THEIA_BACKEND_MAIN_PATH);
return address.port;
} else {
const backendProcess = fork(
await this.getForkOptions(),
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// The backend server main file is also supposed to send the resolved http(s) server port via IPC.
backendProcess.on('message', (address: AddressInfo) => {
backendProcess.on('error', error => {
app.on('quit', () => {
// Only issue a kill signal if the backend process is running.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null
if (backendProcess.exitCode === null && backendProcess.signalCode === null) {
try {
// If we forked the process for the clusters, we need to manually terminate it.
// See:
} catch (error) {
// See
if (error.code === 'ESRCH') {
throw error;
async openDefaultWindow(): Promise<BrowserWindow> {
const [uri, electronWindow] = await Promise.all([this.createWindowUri(), this.createWindow()]);
return electronWindow;
protected async createWindowUri(): Promise<URI> {
return FileUri.create(this.globals.THEIA_FRONTEND_HTML_PATH)
.withQuery(`port=${await this.backendPort}`);
其中 hookApplicationEvents 中 app 模块监听应用的声明周期以及 ipcMain 监听渲染进程的事件。调用 startBackend,然后 fork 一个子进程执行 this.globals.THEIA_BACKEND_MAIN_PATH 脚本,这个脚本就是在 electron-main.js 中绑定的常量,值为 src-gen/backend/main.js。最后调用 this.launch,这个方法最终调用了 openDefaultWindow 方法,可以看到默认调用了 createWindow 和 createWindowUri,createWindowUri 是在 electron-main.js 中定义的常量为 lib/index.html,createWindow 最终会 new 一个 BrowserWindow 窗口,然后加载 uri。这样我们的应用就启动了。
我们看一下 startBackend 执行的脚本 src-gen/backend/main.js 的内容。
// @ts-check
const { BackendApplicationConfigProvider } = require('@theia/core/lib/node/backend-application-config-provider');
const main = require('@theia/core/lib/node/main');
"singleInstance": false,
"startupTimeout": -1,
"resolveSystemPlugins": false
const serverModule = require('./server');
const serverAddress = main.start(serverModule());
serverAddress.then(({ port, address }) => {
if (process && process.send) {
process.send({ port, address });
module.exports = serverAddress;
其中主要通过 @theia/core/lib/node/main 的模块调用 start 加载 serverModule 模块,我们看一下 serverModule 模块的内容。
// @ts-check
// Patch electron version if missing, see
if (typeof process.versions.electron === 'undefined' && typeof process.env.THEIA_ELECTRON_VERSION === 'string') {
process.versions.electron = process.env.THEIA_ELECTRON_VERSION;
// Erase the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE variable from the environment, else Electron apps started using Theia will pick it up.
if ('ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE' in process.env) {
delete process.env.ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE;
const path = require('path');
const express = require('express');
const { Container } = require('inversify');
const { BackendApplication, BackendApplicationServer, CliManager } = require('@theia/core/lib/node');
const { backendApplicationModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/node/backend-application-module');
const { messagingBackendModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/node/messaging/messaging-backend-module');
const { loggerBackendModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/node/logger-backend-module');
const container = new Container();
function defaultServeStatic(app) {
app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../lib')))
function load(raw) {
return Promise.resolve(raw.default).then(
module => container.load(module)
function start(port, host, argv = process.argv) {
if (!container.isBound(BackendApplicationServer)) {
container.bind(BackendApplicationServer).toConstantValue({ configure: defaultServeStatic });
return container.get(CliManager).initializeCli(argv).then(() => {
return container.get(BackendApplication).start(port, host);
module.exports = (port, host, argv) => Promise.resolve()
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/node/i18n/i18n-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-node/keyboard/electron-backend-keyboard-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-node/token/electron-token-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-node/hosting/electron-backend-hosting-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-node/request/electron-backend-request-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/filesystem/lib/node/filesystem-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/filesystem/lib/node/download/file-download-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/workspace/lib/node/workspace-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/process/lib/common/process-common-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/process/lib/node/process-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/terminal/lib/node/terminal-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/task/lib/node/task-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/debug/lib/node/debug-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/external-terminal/lib/electron-node/external-terminal-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/file-search/lib/node/file-search-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/metrics/lib/node/metrics-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/mini-browser/lib/node/mini-browser-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/search-in-workspace/lib/node/search-in-workspace-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-ext/lib/plugin-ext-backend-electron-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-dev/lib/node-electron/plugin-dev-electron-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-ext-vscode/lib/node/plugin-vscode-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/vsx-registry/lib/node/vsx-registry-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('theia-blueprint-product/lib/node/theia-blueprint-backend-module')).then(load) })
.then(() => start(port, host, argv)).catch(error => {
console.error('Failed to start the backend application:');
process.exitCode = 1;
throw error;
其中初始化了一个 IOC 容器,然后加载了 @theia/core 下 backendApplicationModule 模块,使用 express 托管了 lib 下的静态文件绑定到容器中,然后遍历 package.json 中依赖,加载依赖项 package.json 中 theiaExtensions 下配置 backend 和 backendElectron 的 DI 模块,然后调用 BackendApplication 的 start 方法启动。
async start(aPort?: number, aHostname?: string): Promise<http.Server | https.Server> {
const hostname = aHostname !== undefined ? aHostname : this.cliParams.hostname;
const port = aPort !== undefined ? aPort : this.cliParams.port;
const deferred = new Deferred<http.Server | https.Server>();
let server: http.Server | https.Server;
if (this.cliParams.ssl) {
if (this.cliParams.cert === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing --cert option, see --help for usage');
if (this.cliParams.certkey === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing --certkey option, see --help for usage');
let key: Buffer;
let cert: Buffer;
try {
key = await fs.readFile(this.cliParams.certkey as string);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Can't read certificate key");
throw err;
try {
cert = await fs.readFile(this.cliParams.cert as string);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Can't read certificate");
throw err;
server = https.createServer({ key, cert },;
} else {
server = http.createServer(;
server.on('error', error => {
/* The backend might run in a separate process,
* so we defer `process.exit` to let time for logging in the parent process */
setTimeout(process.exit, 0, 1);
server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
const scheme = this.cliParams.ssl ? 'https' : 'http';`Theia app listening on ${scheme}://${hostname || 'localhost'}:${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}.`);
/* Allow any number of websocket servers. */
for (const contribution of this.contributionsProvider.getContributions()) {
if (contribution.onStart) {
try {
await this.measure( + '.onStart',
() => contribution.onStart!(server)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not start contribution', error);
return this.stopwatch.startAsync('server', 'Finished starting backend application', () => deferred.promise);
通过 https.createServer/http.createServer 来创建服务。然后再遍历 contributionsProvider 并调用其 onStart 方法,contributionsProvider 收集了 BackendApplicationContribution 的实现类,接口 BackendApplicationContribution 有四个钩子方法 initialize、configure、onStart、onStop,并在 BackendApplication 初始化后端生命周期过程中去调用,这样我们可以去注册 BackendApplicationContribution 在 Theia 后端启动过程中去做一些自定义操作。
这样我们的服务子进程启动完成,然后我们看一下渲染进程加载的 html。
打开 lib/index.html,其中引入了 bundle.js,bundle.js 是在 gen-webpack.config.js 中以 src-gen/frontend/index.js 为入口打包生成的。我们看一下 src-gen/frontend/index.js 的代码。
// @ts-check
const { Container } = require('inversify');
const { FrontendApplicationConfigProvider } = require('@theia/core/lib/browser/frontend-application-config-provider');
"applicationName": "Theia Blueprint",
"defaultTheme": "dark",
"defaultIconTheme": "none",
"electron": {
"windowOptions": {}
"defaultLocale": "",
"validatePreferencesSchema": true,
"preferences": {
"toolbar.showToolbar": true
self.MonacoEnvironment = {
getWorkerUrl: function (moduleId, label) {
return './editor.worker.js';
const preloader = require('@theia/core/lib/browser/preloader');
// We need to fetch some data from the backend before the frontend starts (nls, os)
module.exports = preloader.preload().then(() => {
const { FrontendApplication } = require('@theia/core/lib/browser');
const { frontendApplicationModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/browser/frontend-application-module');
const { messagingFrontendModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/messaging/electron-messaging-frontend-module');
const { loggerFrontendModule } = require('@theia/core/lib/browser/logger-frontend-module');
const container = new Container();
return Promise.resolve()
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/browser/i18n/i18n-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/menu/electron-menu-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/window/electron-window-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/keyboard/electron-keyboard-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/token/electron-token-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/core/lib/electron-browser/request/electron-browser-request-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/variable-resolver/lib/browser/variable-resolver-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/editor/lib/browser/editor-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/filesystem/lib/browser/filesystem-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/filesystem/lib/browser/download/file-download-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/filesystem/lib/electron-browser/file-dialog/electron-file-dialog-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/workspace/lib/browser/workspace-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/markers/lib/browser/problem/problem-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/outline-view/lib/browser/outline-view-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/monaco/lib/browser/monaco-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/bulk-edit/lib/browser/bulk-edit-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/callhierarchy/lib/browser/callhierarchy-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/console/lib/browser/console-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/output/lib/browser/output-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/process/lib/common/process-common-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/terminal/lib/browser/terminal-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/userstorage/lib/browser/user-storage-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/task/lib/browser/task-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/debug/lib/browser/debug-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/navigator/lib/browser/navigator-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/navigator/lib/electron-browser/electron-navigator-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/editor-preview/lib/browser/editor-preview-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/external-terminal/lib/electron-browser/external-terminal-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/file-search/lib/browser/file-search-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/preferences/lib/browser/preference-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/keymaps/lib/browser/keymaps-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/getting-started/lib/browser/getting-started-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/messages/lib/browser/messages-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/mini-browser/lib/browser/mini-browser-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/mini-browser/lib/electron-browser/environment/electron-mini-browser-environment-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/scm/lib/browser/scm-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/search-in-workspace/lib/browser/search-in-workspace-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/timeline/lib/browser/timeline-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-ext/lib/plugin-ext-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-ext/lib/plugin-ext-frontend-electron-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-dev/lib/browser/plugin-dev-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/plugin-ext-vscode/lib/browser/plugin-vscode-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/property-view/lib/browser/property-view-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/scm-extra/lib/browser/scm-extra-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/toolbar/lib/browser/toolbar-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/typehierarchy/lib/browser/typehierarchy-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('@theia/vsx-registry/lib/browser/vsx-registry-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('theia-blueprint-updater/lib/electron-browser/theia-updater-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(function () { return Promise.resolve(require('theia-blueprint-product/lib/browser/theia-blueprint-frontend-module')).then(load) })
.then(start).catch(reason => {
console.error('Failed to start the frontend application.');
if (reason) {
function load(jsModule) {
return Promise.resolve(jsModule.default)
.then(containerModule => container.load(containerModule));
function start() {
(window['theia'] = window['theia'] || {}).container = container;
return container.get(FrontendApplication).start();
前端这部分创建了一个 IOC 容器,然后加载了 @theia/core 下 browser 中的 DI 容器模块,然后遍历 package.json 中依赖,加载依赖项 package.json 中 theiaExtensions 下配置 frontend 和 frontendElectron 的 DI 模块,然后调用 FrontendApplication 的 start 方法启动。
// @theia/core/src/browser/frontend-application.ts
async start(): Promise<void> {
const startup = this.backendStopwatch.start('frontend');
await this.measure('startContributions', () => this.startContributions(), 'Start frontend contributions', false);
this.stateService.state = 'started_contributions';
const host = await this.getHost();
await animationFrame();
this.stateService.state = 'attached_shell';
await this.measure('initializeLayout', () => this.initializeLayout(), 'Initialize the workbench layout', false);
this.stateService.state = 'initialized_layout';
await this.fireOnDidInitializeLayout();
await this.measure('revealShell', () => this.revealShell(host), 'Replace loading indicator with ready workbench UI (animation)', false);
this.stateService.state = 'ready';
startup.then(idToken => this.backendStopwatch.stop(idToken, 'Frontend application start', []));
* Initialize and start the frontend application contributions.
protected async startContributions(): Promise<void> {
for (const contribution of this.contributions.getContributions()) {
if (contribution.initialize) {
try {
await this.measure( + '.initialize',
() => contribution.initialize!()
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not initialize contribution', error);
for (const contribution of this.contributions.getContributions()) {
if (contribution.configure) {
try {
await this.measure( + '.configure',
() => contribution.configure!(this)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not configure contribution', error);
* - decouple commands & menus
* - consider treat commands, keybindings and menus as frontend application contributions
await this.measure('commands.onStart',
() => this.commands.onStart()
await this.measure('keybindings.onStart',
() => this.keybindings.onStart()
await this.measure('menus.onStart',
() => this.menus.onStart()
for (const contribution of this.contributions.getContributions()) {
if (contribution.onStart) {
try {
await this.measure( + '.onStart',
() => contribution.onStart!(this)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Could not start contribution', error);
* Attach the application shell to the host element. If a startup indicator is present, the shell is
* inserted before that indicator so it is not visible yet.
protected attachShell(host: HTMLElement): void {
const ref = this.getStartupIndicator(host);
Widget.attach(, host, ref);
start 方法主要做了这样几件事,1、初始化并启动 frontend application contributions,和 BackendApplicationContribution 类似在前端通常用于打开和排列视图、注册侦听器、添加状态栏项或在应用程序启动时自定义应用程序的布局,2、调用 @phosphor/widgets 的 Widget.attach 方法,将 ApplicationShell 布局插入到 document.body 中 class 为 theia-preload 的节点前,3、初始化 ApplicationShell 的布局,4、隐藏启动动画,展示页面。
以上就是 Theia Blueprint 启动的过程。
在上面的分析过程中,我们发现 package.json 中有一个 theia 的配置,用于自定义 theia 的一些配置,通过使用 application-package 解析生成 src-gen 下配置的内容。
get props(): ApplicationProps {
if (this._props) {
return this._props;
const theia = this.pck.theia || {};
if (this.options.appTarget) { = this.options.appTarget;
if ( && !( in ApplicationProps.ApplicationTarget)) {
const defaultTarget = ApplicationProps.ApplicationTarget.browser;
console.warn(`Unknown application target '${}', '${defaultTarget}' to be used instead`); = defaultTarget;
return this._props = deepmerge(ApplicationProps.DEFAULT, theia);
protected _pck: NodePackage | undefined;
get pck(): NodePackage {
if (this._pck) {
return this._pck;
return this._pck = readJsonFile(this.packagePath);
我们配置的属性最终合并到 ApplicationProps 中,我们看一下定义:
export interface ApplicationProps extends NpmRegistryProps {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
readonly [key: string]: any;
* Whether the extension targets the browser or electron. Defaults to `browser`.
readonly target: ApplicationProps.Target;
* Frontend related properties.
readonly frontend: {
readonly config: FrontendApplicationConfig
* Backend specific properties.
readonly backend: {
readonly config: BackendApplicationConfig
* Generator specific properties.
readonly generator: {
readonly config: GeneratorConfig
target:打包平台的类型,browser(浏览器)和 electron(桌面端)
frontend 配置
export const DEFAULT: FrontendApplicationConfig = {
applicationName: 'Eclipse Theia',
defaultTheme: 'dark',
defaultIconTheme: 'none',
electron: ElectronFrontendApplicationConfig.DEFAULT,
defaultLocale: '',
validatePreferencesSchema: true
defaultIconTheme: 默认文件图标主题
electron:electron 配置,主要是 BrowserWindow 的相关配置
validatePreferencesSchema:是否在启动时验证首选项的 JSON 模式
backend 配置
export const DEFAULT: BackendApplicationConfig = {
singleInstance: false,
electron 模式下,如果为 true 则一次只允许运行应用程序的一个实例。
generator 配置
export const DEFAULT: GeneratorConfig = {
preloadTemplate: ''
preloadTemplate 用于自定义启动页面模板的文件路径。

版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【龙之幽谷】的原创文章。

还未添加个人签名 2018.02.21 加入