ChatGPT 是一种以类似聊天的方式进行交互的人工智能网络,从名字上看起来像是另一个“聊天机器人”,但实际上已经远超聊天的范畴了,当要求它编写一些代码时,结果相等震撼,它可以写出一些意想不到的连贯代码,而这些代码对于开发者很有启发。
开始要求它使用 JavaScript 编写一个散列(HASH)密码的函数。具体一点就是编写一个 JavaScript 函数,它接受密码的字符串输入并输出散列(HASH)密码。
function hashPassword(password) {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(password).digest("hex");
编写一个在请求正文中包含用户名和密码的 Express 路由处理程序,对密码进行哈希处理,在 MySQL 数据库中查找现有用户并检查哈希后的密码是否匹配。
const express = require("express");
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const mysql = require("mysql");
// 创建 MySQL 数据库连接
const db = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "",
database: "mydb",
// 连接数据库
db.connect((err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log("MySQL connected...");
// 创建 express app
const app = express();
// 路由 handler"/login", (req, res) => {
// get username and password from request body
const { username, password } = req.body;
// HASH 密码
const hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password, 10);
// 在数据库中查找用户名称
let sql = `SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '${username}'`;
let query = db.query(sql, (err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;
// 检查密码是否匹配
if (bcrypt.compareSync(result[0].password, hashedPassword)) {
res.send("Login successful!");
} else {
res.send("Incorrect username or password");
这段 JavaScript 代码基本是没什么问题的,可以直接复制到项目中进行调试。接下来使用别的语言来试一下:
用 C 语言编写一个链表结构的代码,具有根据“标识”属性在链表中添加、删除和查找节点的功能。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Structure for a node in the linked list
typedef struct Node {
int identity; // Property of the node
struct Node *next; // Pointer to the next node
} Node;
// Function to add a node to the linked list
void addNode(Node **head, int identity) {
// Create a new node
Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
// Set the identity of the new node
newNode->identity = identity;
// Set the next pointer of the new node to point to the head
newNode->next = *head;
// Set the head to point to the new node
*head = newNode;
// Function to delete a node from the linked list
void deleteNode(Node **head, int identity) {
// Create a temporary node to traverse the linked list
Node *temp = *head;
// Check if the head is the node to be deleted
if (temp != NULL && temp->identity == identity) {
// Set the head to point to the next node
*head = temp->next;
// Free the memory allocated for the node
// Traverse the linked list to find the node to be deleted
while (temp != NULL && temp->identity != identity) {
// Set the previous node to the current node
Node *prev = temp;
// Set the current node to the next node
temp = temp->next;
// Check if the node was found
if (temp == NULL) return;
// Set the previous node to point to the next node
prev->next = temp->next;
// Free the memory allocated for the node
// Function to find a node in the linked list
Node* findNode(Node *head, int identity) {
// Create a temporary node to traverse the linked list
Node *temp = head;
// Traverse the linked list to find the node
while (temp != NULL) {
// Check if the current node has the given identity
if (temp->identity == identity) {
return temp;
// Set the current node to the next node
temp = temp->next;
// Return NULL if the node was not found
return NULL;
int main() {
// Create a head node for the linked list
Node *head = NULL;
// Add some nodes to the linked list
addNode(&head, 1);
addNode(&head, 2);
addNode(&head, 3);
// Find a node in the linked list
Node *node = findNode(head, 2);
// Print the identity of the node
printf("Node with identity 2: %d\n", node->identity);
// Delete a node from the linked list
deleteNode(&head, 2);
// Find the deleted node in the linked list
node = findNode(head, 2);
// Check if the node was deleted
if (node == NULL) {
printf("Node with identity 2 was deleted\n");
return 0;
于是似乎开始担心未来的程序员,对于 AI 的机器学习能力,肯定是强于人类的。一个程序员宝贵的职业生涯就算 20 年,就假设这个程序员在职业生涯中相当勤奋好学,可 AI 应该可以通过学习收集全世界所有程序员的经验!人脑无法与在极其庞大的数据集上训练有素的 AI 模型的计算能力相提并论。未来是不是有可能程序员通过 AI 把自己这个职业淘汰掉!