IDO 代币合约质押流动性挖矿分红系统开发(开发逻辑及源码)
5G 技术可以为智能制造提供高速、可靠的通信和数据传输服务,实现智能化制造和远程控制。例如,在汽车生产中,使用 5G 技术可以实现对生产线上机器人的远程控制和监控,提高生产效率和安全性。
开发案例及 I35 详细 7O98 开发 O7I8
Validator 的奖励:
reward=base+a*n(n 是 Header 中提议的块数=end-start)
struct Reward{
uint256 base;
uint256 a;
Reward reward;
uint256 public maxReward
//只有 Admin 才能创建和建立侧链和主链的映射
关于区块链项目技术开发唯:MrsFu123,代币发行、dapp 智能合约开发、链游开发、多链钱包开发
交易所开发、量化合约开发、互助游戏开发、Nft 数字藏品开发、众筹互助开发、元宇宙开发、swap 开发、
链上合约开发、ido 开发、商城开发等,开发过各种各样的系统模式,更有多种模式、制度、案例、后台等,成熟技术团队,欢迎实体参考。
//对一个给定的链,一个特定的 EPOCH,记录开始块和终块并提供 Headerroot
event RootStorage(address indexed chain,uint256 indexed start,
uint256 indexed end,bytes32 headerRoot,uint256 i,address proposer);
event Deposit(address indexed user,address indexed toChain,
address indexed depositToken,address fromChain,uint256 amount);
event Withdraw(address indexed user,address indexed fromChain,
address indexed withdrawToken,uint256 amount);
event TokenAdded(address indexed fromChain,address indexed origToken,
address indexed newToken);
event TokenAssociated(address indexed toChain,address indexed fromToken,
address indexed toToken);
//Pending withdrawals.The user prepares a withdrawal with tx data and then
//releases it with a withdraw.It can be overwritten by the user and gets wiped
//upon withdrawal.
struct Withdrawal{
address withdrawToken;//Token to withdraw(i.e.the one mapped to deposit)
address fromChain;
uint256 amount;//Number of atomic units to withdraw
bytes32 txRoot;//Transactions root for the block housing this tx
bytes32 txHash;//Hash of this tx
bytes32 receiptsRoot;//Receipts root for the block housing this tx