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Automate Your Coding Standard(detail:
You've probably been there too. At the beginning of a project, everybody has lots of good intentions — call them "new project's resolutions." Quite often, many of these resolutions are written down in documents. The ones about code end up in the project's coding standard. During the kick-off meeting, the lead developer goes through the document and, in the best case, everybody agrees that they will try to follow them. Once the project gets underway, though, these good intentions are abandoned, one at a time. When the project is finally delivered the code looks like a mess, and nobody seems to know how it came to be this way.
When did things go wrong? Probably already at the kick-off meeting. Some of the project members didn't pay attention. Others didn't understand the point. Worse, some disagreed and were already planning their coding standard rebellion. Finally, some got the point and agreed but, when the pressure in the project got too high, they had to let something go. Well-formatted code doesn't earn you points with a customer that wants more functionality. Furthermore, following a coding standard can be quite a boring task if it isn't automated. Just try to indent a messy class by hand to find out for yourself.
But if it's such a problem, why is that we want to have a coding standard in the first place? One reason to format the code in a uniform way is so that nobody can "own" a piece of code just by formatting it in his or her private way. We may want to prevent developers using certain anti-patterns, in order to avoid some common bugs. In all, a coding standard should make it easier to work in the project, and maintain development speed from the beginning to the end. It follows then that everybody should agree on the coding standard too — it does not help if one developer uses three spaces to indent code, and another one four.
但如果这是一个问题,为什么我们要首先制定编码标准呢?制定统一的代码格式的一个原因是,这样就没有人可以通过以自己的私有方式格式化代码来"拥有"代码的一部分。我们可能希望防止开发人员使用某些反模式,以避免一些常见的错误。总之,编码标准应该使项目中的工作更容易,并从开始到结束保持开发速度。因此,每个人都应该对编码标准达成一致意见 —— 如果一个开发人员使用三个空格来缩进代码,而另一个开发人员使用四个,这是没有帮助的。
There exists a wealth of tools that can be used to produce code quality reports and to document and maintain the coding standard, but that isn't the whole solution. It should be automated and enforced where possible. Here are a few examples:
Make sure code formatting is part of the build process, so that everybody runs it automatically every time they compile the code.
Use static code analysis tools to scan the code for unwanted anti-patterns. If any are found, break the build.
Learn to configure those tools so that you can scan for your own, project-specific anti-patterns.
Do not only measure test coverage, but automatically check the results too. Again, break the build if test coverage is too low.
Try to do this for everything that you consider important. You won't be able to automate everything you really care about. As for the things that you can't automatically flag or fix, consider them to be a set of guidelines supplementary to the coding standard that is automated, but accept that you and your colleagues may not follow them as diligently.
Finally, the coding standard should be dynamic rather than static. As the project evolves, the needs of the project change, and what may have seemed smart in the beginning, isn't necessarily smart a few months later.
Technique/Tips 分享一个小技术
Why useState() hook returns array and not object
因为函数组件中可以多次使用 useState/useReducer,可以定义多个不同 state,数组可以一次返回 state、setState,命名交给用户自定义。如果是对象再解构,那么 state 的命名就要写死了,用户想定义多个 state 的时候,还得自己改写名字,太麻烦了。
This is exactly why useState() hook returns array and not object
Share 分享一个观点
• 单例模式
• 原型模式
• 工厂模式
• 抽象工厂模式
• 建造者模式
• 代理模式
• 适配器模式
• 桥接模式
• 装饰模式
• 外观模式
• 享元模式
• 组合模式
• 模板方法模式
• 策略模式
• 命令模式
• 职责链模式
• 状态模式
• 观察者模式
• 中介者模式
• 迭代器模式
• 访问者模式
• 备忘录模式
• 解释器模式
Design Patterns 这本书设计是 1995 年,基于 Java 这门语言的类型系统,集成系统,接口模型等,许多模式直接搬到 JaveScript 中的直接使用的非常少,在前端领域中,我们比较熟悉的是观察者模式和外观模式。
在 node 的 EventEmitter,例如 process 是基于 EventEmitter 的一个实例,处理从 C++中抛出的事件。
在 DOM 的 addEventListener。观察者模式解决什么问题呢?解决对象与对象之间的通讯问题。
前端中比较常见的是 jQuery,例如 jQuery 中事件的注册。
内部隐藏了对各个浏览器的兼容,对外直接暴露 callback 方法。
• 单一职责原则
• 里氏替换原则
• 依赖倒转原则
• 接口隔离
• 最小知晓原则
• 开闭原则
单一职责,近前比较流行的前端框架,React,Vue 中的组建设计,实现重用。还有微前端,实现分而治之,例如各自迭代等。
开闭原则:对扩展开放,对修改关闭。如前端开发中的 webpack 的 loader,css-loader,ts-loader 等。