和 ChatGPT 结对完成 VS CODE 插件项目分享
![和ChatGPT结对完成VS CODE插件项目分享](https://static001.geekbang.org/infoq/0c/0c17bbad32a6c84ea286a7226316de0a.png)
原项目地址: https://github.com/chatgpt-community/prompt-vscode-plugin
目标: pair with chatgpt to generate tdd-with-gpt plugin user story 1
Prompt 过程记录
initial whole project and scratch project . see .docs/0-scratch.md
generate project architecture . see .docs/1-arch.m
generate implement strategy based on user story . see .docs/2-us1.md
generate tests . see .docs/3-tests.md
generate codes . see .docs/4-coding.md
codes and tests been generated successfully,
tests compile successfully with little human corrects (10%)
codes compile successfully with little human corrects (20%)
**application failed start ** //Under expectation
tests run failed //Under expectation
context losting when chatgpt deal with multiple components, in story analysis step .docs/2-us1.md
chatgpt coding generate unstable in (.docs/3-tests.md and .docs/4-coding.md)
lot's of compile errors
type not found issue
library not found issue
architect issue not meet requirements
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