一致性 HASH 的 golang 实现
package consistency_hashimport ( "errors" "fmt" "github.com/emirpasic/gods/maps/treemap" hash2 "hash" "hash/fnv" "math")func init() { hash = fnv.New32()}type NodeExistError stringfunc (n *NodeExistError) Error() string { return string(*n)}type ConsistencyHash interface { GetNode(string) *Node AddNode(*Node) error}type Node struct { Name string}type VirtualNode struct { hash uint32 name string node *Node between [2]uint32}func (v *VirtualNode)String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d - %v", v.name, v.hash, v.between)}/**一致性hash 的定义*/type conHashImpl struct { vNodesPerNode int ring Ring nodes map[string]*Node}type Ring struct { VirtualNodes []*VirtualNode}func (r *Ring) ceiling(hash uint32) int32 { if len(r.VirtualNodes) == 0 { return -1 } s, e := 0, len(r.VirtualNodes) - 1 pos := (s + e)/2 for pos >= 0 && s < e { if r.VirtualNodes[pos].between[0] <= hash && r.VirtualNodes[pos].between[1] >= hash { break; } if r.VirtualNodes[pos].between[0] > hash { e = pos - 1 } else { s = pos + 1 } pos = (s + e) / 2 } if hash > r.VirtualNodes[pos].between[1] || hash < r.VirtualNodes[pos].between[0] { return -1 } return int32(pos)}// add node to ringfunc (r *Ring)addNode(vnode VirtualNode) error { if len(r.VirtualNodes) >= math.MaxInt32 - 1 { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("too much nodes. %d", len(r.VirtualNodes))) } targetPos := r.ceiling(vnode.hash) if targetPos < 0 { begin := uint32(0) if len(r.VirtualNodes) > 0 { begin = r.VirtualNodes[len(r.VirtualNodes) - 1].between[1] + 1 } r.VirtualNodes = append(r.VirtualNodes, &VirtualNode{ name: vnode.name, node: vnode.node, hash: vnode.hash, between: [2]uint32{begin, vnode.hash}, }) } else { targetNode := r.VirtualNodes[targetPos] var additionNodes []*VirtualNode if vnode.hash == targetNode.between[1] { return errors.New("same hash") } if vnode.hash < targetNode.hash { additionNodes = []*VirtualNode {{ name: vnode.name, node: vnode.node, hash: vnode.hash, between: [2]uint32{targetNode.between[0], vnode.hash}, }, { name: targetNode.name, node: targetNode.node, hash: targetNode.hash, between: [2]uint32{vnode.hash+1, targetNode.between[1]}, }} } else { additionNodes = []*VirtualNode {targetNode, { name: vnode.name, node: vnode.node, hash: vnode.hash, between: [2]uint32{targetNode.between[1]+1, vnode.hash}, }} } //replace the target node to additional nodes. if targetPos < int32(len(r.VirtualNodes) - 1 ) { // new list is append([0:targetpos], additional[2], [targetpos+1:]) r.VirtualNodes = append(r.VirtualNodes[:targetPos], append(additionNodes, r.VirtualNodes[targetPos + 1:]...)...) } else { r.VirtualNodes = append(r.VirtualNodes[:targetPos], additionNodes...) } } return nil}// add node to ringfunc (r *Ring) nextNodeFrom(hash uint32) *VirtualNode { pos := r.ceiling(hash) if pos < 0 { return r.VirtualNodes[0] } else { node := r.VirtualNodes[pos] return node }}//Get a hash codevar hash hash2.Hash32func hashCode(key string) uint32 { hash.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s---", key, key))) return hash.Sum32()}//add a nodefunc (hash *conHashImpl) AddNode(node *Node) error { if _, existed := hash.nodes[node.Name]; existed { err := NodeExistError(fmt.Sprintf("node name(%s) existed", node.Name)) return &err } for i := 0; i < hash.vNodesPerNode; i++ { vName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", node.Name, i) vNode := VirtualNode{hash: hashCode(vName), name: vName, node: node} err := hash.ring.addNode(vNode) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error to add node ", err) } } return nil}//Get the node with key GetNode(key string) *Nodefunc (hash *conHashImpl) GetNode(key string) *Node { vNode := hash.ring.nextNodeFrom(hashCode(key)) if vNode == nil { return nil } return vNode.node}//Create new Instance of Consistency Hash with give nodes.func NewConsistencyHash(factor int, nodes ...*Node) (ConsistencyHash, error) { impl := &conHashImpl{vNodesPerNode: factor} for _, node := range nodes { err := impl.AddNode(node) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error add node ", err) } } return impl, nil}func NewConsistencyHash2(factor int, nodes...*Node) (ConsistencyHash, error) { impl := &conHashImpl2{ vitrualFacto: factor, nodes: treemap.NewWith(func(a, b interface{}) int { aa, _:= a.(uint32) bb, _ := b.(uint32) if aa > bb { return 1 } else if aa == bb { return 0 } else { return -1 } }), } for _, node := range nodes { err := impl.AddNode(node) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error add node ", err) } } return impl, nil}type conHashImpl2 struct { vNodesPerNode int nodes *treemap.Map vitrualFacto int}func (c *conHashImpl2) GetNode(s string) *Node { _, v := c.nodes.Ceiling(hashCode(s)) if v == nil { _, v = c.nodes.Min() } if n, yes := v.(*VirtualNode); yes { return n.node } fmt.Println(" error: ", s, v) return nil}func (c *conHashImpl2) AddNode(node *Node) error { for i := 0; i < c.vitrualFacto; i++ { name := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", node.Name, i) hash := hashCode(name) c.nodes.Put(hash, &VirtualNode{name: name, hash: hash, node: node}) } return nil}
package consistency_hashimport ( "fmt" "math" "math/rand" "testing")import "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"func TestCeiling(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) r := &Ring{} r.VirtualNodes = []*VirtualNode{ {hash: 10, between: [2]uint32{0, 10}}, {hash: 100, between: [2]uint32{11, 100}}, {hash: 1000, between: [2]uint32{101, 1000}}, } pos := r.ceiling(5) assert.Equal(int32(0), pos) pos = r.ceiling(14) assert.Equal(int32(1), pos) pos = r.ceiling(100) assert.Equal(int32(1), pos) pos = r.ceiling(1000) assert.Equal(int32(2), pos) pos = r.ceiling(1100) assert.Equal(int32(-1), pos)}func TestCeiling2(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) r := &Ring{} r.VirtualNodes = []*VirtualNode{ {hash: 10, between: [2]uint32{0, 10}}, {hash: 1000, between: [2]uint32{11, 10000}}, } pos := r.ceiling(5) assert.Equal(int32(0), pos) pos = r.ceiling(14) assert.Equal(int32(1), pos)}func TestAddNode(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) r := &Ring{} r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 10}) r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 10000}) r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 100}) r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 100000}) r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 1000}) r.addNode(VirtualNode{hash: 1000}) fmt.Println("=====", r.VirtualNodes) pos := r.ceiling(5) assert.Equal(int32(0), pos) pos = r.ceiling(14) assert.Equal(int32(1), pos) pos = r.ceiling(100) assert.Equal(int32(1), pos) pos = r.ceiling(1000) assert.Equal(int32(2), pos) pos = r.ceiling(1100) assert.Equal(int32(3), pos) pos = r.ceiling(1000001) assert.Equal(int32(-1), pos)}func TestHashcode(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) code1 := hashCode("node1.1") code2 := hashCode("node1.2") fmt.Println(code1, code2) assert.NotEqual(code1, code2) values := [10]int{} for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { code := hashCode(fmt.Sprintf("node0.%d", j)) idx := code % uint32(len(values)) values[idx] = values[idx] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range values { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD()}func TestNewConsistencyHash(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) factor := 35 cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(factor, &Node{"node1"}) assert.NotNil(cHash) assert.NoError(err) impl := cHash.(*conHashImpl) assert.Equal(factor, len(impl.ring.VirtualNodes)) node := cHash.GetNode("a") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("a => ", node) node = cHash.GetNode("b") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("b => ", node) err = cHash.AddNode(&Node{"node2"}) assert.NoError(err) assert.Equal(factor*2, len(impl.ring.VirtualNodes)) node = cHash.GetNode("a") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("a => ", node) node = cHash.GetNode("b") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("b => ", node) node = cHash.GetNode("c") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("c => ", node) node = cHash.GetNode("d") assert.NotNil(node) fmt.Println("d => ", node)}func TestBalanced50(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(50) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}func TestBalanced100(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(100) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } impl := cHash.(*conHashImpl) sum := make(map[string]uint32) for i := 0; i < len(impl.ring.VirtualNodes); i++ { node := impl.ring.VirtualNodes[i] sum[node.name[:6]] = sum[node.name[:6]] + node.between[1] - node.between[0] } fmt.Println(sum) stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}func TestBalanced150(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(150) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}func TestBalanced200(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(200) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}func TestBalanced300(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash(300) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}func TestBalanced2_300(t *testing.T) { assert := require.New(t) cHash, err := NewConsistencyHash2(300) assert.NoError(err) assert.NotNil(cHash) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { cHash.AddNode(&Node{Name: fmt.Sprintf("node.%d", i)}) } stat := make(map[string]int, 10) for j := 0; j < 1000000; j++ { key := rand.Int() node := cHash.GetNode(fmt.Sprintf("key:%d", key)) stat[node.Name] = stat[node.Name] + 1 } MakeIterator(func(it chan uint32) { for _, v := range stat { it <- uint32(v) } close(it) }).calcSD() fmt.Println("节点分布:", stat)}type MakeIterator func(chan uint32)func (sd MakeIterator) reset() chan uint32 { it := make(chan uint32) go sd(it) return it}func (sd MakeIterator) calcSD() { //sd: it := sd.reset() sum := uint64(0) count := uint64(0) for v := range it { sum += uint64(v) count += 1 } avg := sum / count fmt.Println("avg: ", avg) it = sd.reset() sum2 := float64(0) for v := range it { sum2 += (float64(v) - float64(avg)) * (float64(v) - float64(avg)) } f := sum2 / float64(count) fmt.Println(" 方差: ", f) r := math.Sqrt(f) fmt.Println("标准差 ", r)}
GOROOT=/usr/local/go #gosetupGOPATH=/Users/develper/go #gosetup/usr/local/go/bin/go test -c -o /private/var/folders/yr/b1sl4_z97g9grtpfdq4p25bc0000gn/T/___hash_test_go unipus.cn/misc/consistency_hash #gosetup/usr/local/go/bin/go tool test2json -t /private/var/folders/yr/b1sl4_z97g9grtpfdq4p25bc0000gn/T/___hash_test_go -test.v -test.run "^TestCeiling|TestCeiling2|TestAddNode|TestHashcode|TestNewConsistencyHash|TestBalanced50|TestBalanced100|TestBalanced150|TestBalanced200|TestBalanced300|TestBalanced2_300$" #gosetup=== RUN TestCeiling--- PASS: TestCeiling (0.00s)=== RUN TestCeiling2--- PASS: TestCeiling2 (0.00s)=== RUN TestAddNode===== [: 10 - [0 10] : 100 - [11 100] : 1000 - [101 1000] : 10000 - [1001 10000] : 100000 - [10001 100000]]--- PASS: TestAddNode (0.00s)=== RUN TestHashcode2570533916 183424597avg: 100000 方差: 33568.6标准差 183.2173572563473--- PASS: TestHashcode (0.44s)=== RUN TestNewConsistencyHasha => &{node1}b => &{node1}a => &{node1}b => &{node1}c => &{node2}d => &{node2}--- PASS: TestNewConsistencyHash (0.00s)=== RUN TestBalanced50avg: 100000 方差: 2.18434133e+08标准差 14779.517346652427节点分布: map[node.0:111141 node.1:132610 node.2:91803 node.3:87149 node.4:87838 node.5:91314 node.6:105140 node.7:80381 node.8:111317 node.9:101307]--- PASS: TestBalanced50 (0.66s)=== RUN TestBalanced100map[node.0:446011767 node.1:393943837 node.2:449561198 node.3:436100962 node.4:387096975 node.5:380953707 node.6:479438298 node.7:418214358 node.8:466233340 node.9:427361096]avg: 100000 方差: 5.93047092e+07标准差 7700.955083624369节点分布: map[node.0:106398 node.1:91814 node.2:104668 node.3:101523 node.4:89681 node.5:88410 node.6:111479 node.7:97442 node.8:109037 node.9:99548]--- PASS: TestBalanced100 (0.68s)=== RUN TestBalanced150avg: 100000 方差: 2.89699606e+07标准差 5382.374996226108节点分布: map[node.0:104143 node.1:106628 node.2:88936 node.3:96565 node.4:103503 node.5:104951 node.6:99403 node.7:104164 node.8:97516 node.9:94191]--- PASS: TestBalanced150 (0.70s)=== RUN TestBalanced200avg: 100000 方差: 4.0203905e+07标准差 6340.654934626233节点分布: map[node.0:102471 node.1:94765 node.2:99744 node.3:102159 node.4:102237 node.5:93901 node.6:87518 node.7:106117 node.8:99760 node.9:111328]--- PASS: TestBalanced200 (0.70s)=== RUN TestBalanced300avg: 100000 方差: 1.41155058e+07标准差 3757.060792694204节点分布: map[node.0:104197 node.1:101440 node.2:105330 node.3:97980 node.4:96570 node.5:92179 node.6:101024 node.7:97780 node.8:103154 node.9:100346]--- PASS: TestBalanced300 (0.73s)=== RUN TestBalanced2_300avg: 100000 方差: 2.63993778e+07标准差 5138.032483353915节点分布: map[node.0:104364 node.1:100916 node.2:97636 node.3:98447 node.4:88917 node.5:101350 node.6:105112 node.7:93866 node.8:106036 node.9:103356]--- PASS: TestBalanced2_300 (0.82s)PASSProcess finished with exit code 0

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