SuperBenchmarker sb 在 mac 上的安装手记
发布于: 2021 年 03 月 01 日
先安装 dotnet
brew cask install dotnet
下载 SuperBenchmarker
git clone
cd SuperBenchmarker
git 编译
生成的目录的 src ./src/SuperBenchmarker/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/SuperBenchmarker.dll 后面的参数
dotnet ./src/SuperBenchmarker/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/SuperBenchmarker.dll -u -N 10**
-c, --concurrency (Default: 1) Number of concurrent requests
-n, --numberOfRequests (Default: 100) Total number of requests
-N, --numberOfSeconds Number of seconds to run the test. If specified, -n will be ignored.
-y, --delayInMillisecond (Default: 0) Delay in millisecond
-u, --url Required. Target URL to call. Can include placeholders.
-m, --method (Default: GET) HTTP Method to use
-t, --template Path to request template to use
-p, --plugin Name of the plugin (DLL) to replace placeholders. Should contain one class which
implements IValueProvider. Must reside in the same folder.
-l, --logfile Path to the log file storing run stats
-f, --file Path to CSV file providing replacement values for the test
-a, --TSV If you provide a tab-separated-file (TSV) with -f option instead of CSV
-d, --dryRun Runs a single dry run request to make sure all is good
-e, --timedField Designates a datetime field in data. If set, requests will be sent according to order
and timing of records.
-g, --TlsVersion Version of TLS used. Accepted values are 0, 1, 2 and 3 for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
and SSL3, respectively
-v, --verbose Provides verbose tracing information
-b, --tokeniseBody Tokenise the body
-k, --cookies Outputs cookies
-x, --useProxy Whether to use default browser proxy. Useful for seeing request/response in Fiddler.
-q, --onlyRequest In a dry-run (debug) mode shows only the request.
-h, --headers Displays headers for request and response.
-z, --saveResponses saves responses in -w parameter or if not provided in\response_<timestamp>
-w, --responsesFolder folder to save responses in if and only if -w parameter is set
-?, --help Displays this help.
-C, --dontcap Don't Cap to 50 characters when Logging parameters
-R, --responseregex Regex to extract from response. If it has groups, it retrieves the last group.
-j, --jsonCount Captures number of elements under the path e.g. root/leaf1/leaf2 finds count of leaf2
children - stores in the log as another parameter
-W, --warmUpPeriod (Default: 0) Number of seconds to gradually increase number of concurrent users. Warm-up
calls do not affect stats.
-P, --reportSliceSeconds (Default: 3) Number of seconds as interval for reporting slices. E.g. if chosen as 5,
report charts have 5 second intervals.
-F, --reportFolder Name of the folder where report files get stored. By default it is in
yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.ffffff of the start time.
-B, --dontBrowseToReports By default it, sb opens the browser with the report of the running test. If specified,
it wil not browse.
-U, --shuffleData If specified, shuffles the dataset provided by -f option.
--help Display this help screen.
发布于: 2021 年 03 月 01 日阅读数: 9

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