
一致性哈希算法 Java 实现

发布于: 2020 年 10 月 25 日
一致性哈希算法 Java 实现


In computer science, consistent hashing is a special kind of hashing such that when a hash table is resized, only n/m keys need to be remapped on average where n is the number of keys and m is the number of slots.

In contrast, in most traditional hash tables, a change in the number of array slots causes nearly all keys to be remapped because the mapping between the keys and the slots is defined by a modular operation. Consistent hashing is a particular case of rendezvous hashing, which has a conceptually simpler algorithm, and was first described in 1996. Consistent hashing first appeared in 1997, and uses a different algorithm.

程序员小灰的微信公众号里面找到了一篇 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yimfkNYF_tIJJqUIzV7TFA





// Represent a node which should be mapped to a hash ringpublic interface Node {    // return the key which will used for hash mapping    String getKey();}

public class VirtualNode<T extends Node> implements Node {    final T physicalNode;    final int replicaIndex;
public VirtualNode(T physicalNode, int replicaIndex) { this.replicaIndex = replicaIndex; this.physicalNode = physicalNode; }
@Override public String getKey() { return physicalNode.getKey() + "-" + replicaIndex; }
public boolean isVirtualNodeOf(T pNode) { return physicalNode.getKey().equals(pNode.getKey()); }
public T getPhysicalNode() { return physicalNode; }}

// Hash String to long valuepublic interface HashFunction {    long hash(String key);}

import java.security.MessageDigest;import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.SortedMap;import java.util.TreeMap;
// To hash Node objects to a hash ring with a certain amount of// virtual node.// Method routeNode will return a Node instance which the object// key should be allocated to according to consistent hash algorithmpublic class ConsistentHashRouter<T extends Node> { private final SortedMap<Long, VirtualNode<T>> ring = new TreeMap<>(); private final HashFunction hashFunction;
/** * * @param pNodes collections of physical nodes * @param vNodeCount amounts of virtual nodes * @param hashFunction hash Function to hash Node instances */ public ConsistentHashRouter(Collection<T> pNodes, int vNodeCount, HashFunction hashFunction) { if (hashFunction == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Hash Function is null"); } this.hashFunction = hashFunction; if (pNodes != null) { for (T pNode : pNodes) { addNode(pNode, vNodeCount); } } }
// public ConsistentHashRouter(Collection<T> pNodes, int vNodeCount) {// this(pNodes, vNodeCount, new MD5Hash());// }
/** * add physical node to the hash ring with some virtual nodes * @param pNode physical node needs added to hash ring * @param vNodeCount the number of virtual node of the physical * node. Value should be greater than or equals 0 * */ public void addNode(T pNode, int vNodeCount) { if (vNodeCount < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal virtual " + "node counts :" + vNodeCount); }
int existingReplicas = getExistingReplicas(pNode); for (int i = 0; i < vNodeCount; i++) { VirtualNode<T> vNode = new VirtualNode<>(pNode, i + existingReplicas); ring.put(hashFunction.hash(vNode.getKey()), vNode); } }
/** * remove the physical node from the hash ring * @param pNode physical node */ public void removeNode(T pNode) { Iterator<Long> it = ring.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Long key = it.next(); VirtualNode<T> virtualNode = ring.get(key); if (virtualNode.isVirtualNodeOf(pNode)) { it.remove(); } } }
/** * with a specified key, route the nearest Node instance in the * current hash ring * @param objectKey the object key to find a nearest Node * @return */ public T routeNode(String objectKey) { if (ring.isEmpty()) { return null; } Long hashVal = hashFunction.hash(objectKey); SortedMap<Long, VirtualNode<T>> tailMap = ring.tailMap(hashVal); Long nodeHashVal = !tailMap.isEmpty() ? tailMap.firstKey() : ring.firstKey(); return ring.get(nodeHashVal).getPhysicalNode(); }
public int getExistingReplicas(T pNode) { int replicas = 0; for (VirtualNode<T> vNode : ring.values()) { if (vNode.isVirtualNodeOf(pNode)) { replicas++; } } return replicas; }
private class MD5Hash implements HashFunction { MessageDigest instance;
public MD5Hash() { try { instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} }
@Override public long hash(String key) { instance.reset(); instance.update(key.getBytes()); byte[] digest = instance.digest();
long h = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { h <<= 8; h |= ((int) digest[i]) & 0xFF; } return h; } }}

import java.util.Arrays;
public class MyServiceNode implements Node { private final String idc; private final String ip; private final int port;
public MyServiceNode(String idc, String ip, int port) { this.idc = idc; this.ip = ip; this.port = port; }
@Override public String getKey() { return idc + "-" + ip + ":" + port; }
@Override public String toString() { return getKey(); }
private static void goRoute(ConsistentHashRouter<MyServiceNode> consistentHashRouter, String... requestIps) { for (String requestIp : requestIps) { System.out.println(requestIp + " is route to " + consistentHashRouter.routeNode(requestIp)); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { MyServiceNode node1 = new MyServiceNode("IDC1", "", 8080); MyServiceNode node2 = new MyServiceNode("IDC1", "", 8081); MyServiceNode node3 = new MyServiceNode("IDC1", "", 8082); MyServiceNode node4 = new MyServiceNode("IDC1", "", 8083);
ConsistentHashRouter<MyServiceNode> consistentHashRouter = new ConsistentHashRouter<>(Arrays.asList(node1, node2, node3, node4), 10);
String requestIP1 = ""; String requestIP2 = ""; String requestIP3 = ""; String requestIP4 = ""; String requestIP5 = "";
goRoute(consistentHashRouter, requestIP1, requestIP2, requestIP3, requestIP4, requestIP5);
// new node online MyServiceNode node5 = new MyServiceNode("IDC2", "", 8080); System.out.println("------puting new node online" + node5.getKey() + "------"); consistentHashRouter.addNode(node5, 10);
goRoute(consistentHashRouter, requestIP1, requestIP2, requestIP3, requestIP4, requestIP5);
System.out.println("------remove node online" + node3.getKey() + "------"); consistentHashRouter.removeNode(node3);
goRoute(consistentHashRouter, requestIP1, requestIP2, requestIP3, requestIP4, requestIP5); }}

发布于: 2020 年 10 月 25 日阅读数: 49



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一致性哈希算法 Java 实现