
币 BI 掌柜量化交易策略 APP 开发 (系统案例)

发布于: 2021 年 03 月 13 日

量化交易系统至少应该包括交易模型构建模块【邓森 I89 電 2875 薇 765I】、风险控制模块、交易成本分析模块、指令执行模块、策略回测模块、数据收集模块和数据清洗模块,对用于基金产品的量化交易系统还需要添加产品监控模块。”马特量化社区强调,基于多年的系统开发管理经验,交易系统的所有者具备对上述模块进行移植、优化、升级的能力也非常关键。


  选择平台、设置 API、加载品种;选择仓位、品种数量、风险类型一键设置;列表参数,查看交易中品种的详细参数与状态














  The quantitative trading system shall at least include the transaction model building module[Dunsen i89 power 2875 Wei 765i],risk control module,transaction cost analysis module,instruction execution module,strategy back test module,data collection module and data cleaning module.For the quantitative trading system used for fund products,product monitoring module shall be added Matt quantification community emphasizes that based on years of system development and management experience,the owner of the trading system has the ability to transplant,optimize and upgrade the above modules.

  1.Software main interface,independent functional area

  Select platform,set API,load variety,select position,variety quantity and risk type;list parameters to view detailed parameters and status of varieties in transaction

  2.Transaction parameter setting,single setting and batch setting

  Right click the line where the variety is located,open the transaction parameter setting window,and set multiple,rate and stop earnings;in the upper area of the main interface,you can set all the variety transaction parameters according to the position,variety quantity and risk type.

  3.Buy log and sell log

  Click the button to view the detailed purchase log and sales log;you can view all records and summary reports according to different pricing currencies and different time periods

  4.Can be sold manually on robots

  Open the manual transaction window to buy or sell digital currency directly at the best market price.No need to open the exchange to complete the adjustment of the currency quantity

  There are many kinds of quantitative transactions,including cross platform brick moving,trend trading,hedging arbitrage,triangle arbitrage,cross period arbitrage,etc.Trend trading stresses on following the trend of the market,sending out the signal of selling and buying according to the trend indicators.In the case of the general trend,the position will be increased and the position will be reduced when the trend falls.It is believed that such operation can be carried out in a boat in a smooth way and twice the effort is achieved.

  Hedging refers to two transactions related to the market,opposite to the direction of sale,in a similar quantity and corresponding to profit and loss,so as to achieve the effect of hedging risk.

  Quantitative transaction has a high demand for the analysis and mining of big data.With the rapid development of computer science,the continuous updating and iteration of artificial intelligence,the quantitative strategy is more perfect.Therefore,quantitative investment is on this basis,it is entering the investor's vision,efficient models and algorithms,which are constantly revised by the market and close to the large probability of income.

  First,quantitative trading greatly reduces the impact of investor sentiment fluctuation,and effectively avoids irrational investment decisions made by investors in the market with extreme enthusiasm or pessimism;

  Second,the automatic operation of the program is more accurate,more timely and more efficient than manual operation,so it can seize the fleeting investment opportunity;

  Third,at the same time,the digital money market supervision is relatively small,and the quantitative strategy is more suitable for development.

  Quantitative trading includes arbitrage strategy.There are many global digital currency exchanges,the pricing of the same currency is different,and there is also price difference between different exchanges for the same transaction.As long as there is a spread,there is arbitrage space.There are many uncertainties in general artificial arbitrage,such as long time consuming,low accuracy,and rapid price change.However,by seizing arbitrage opportunity by quantitative model,making arbitrage trading strategy and automatically placing an order to the exchange through programmed algorithm,it can make profits efficiently and stably.It is the fascination of countless people about quantitative arbitrage


广州系统软件开发商 2020.12.19 加入


