
react-router 学习笔记

发布于: 2021 年 01 月 26 日


  • 路由这个概念最早出现在后端,通过⽤户请求的 url 导航到具体的 html⻚⾯。

  • 现在的前端路由不同 于传统路由,它不需要服务器解析,⽽是可以通过 hash 函数或者 history API 来实现。

  • 在前端开发中,可以使⽤路由设置访问路径,并根据路径与组件的映射关系切换组件的显示

  • 这整个过程都是在同 ⼀个⻚⾯中实现的,不涉及⻚⾯间的跳转,这也就是常说的单⻚应⽤(spa)。


1.1 代码仓库


2.2 包说明

  • react-router 公共基础包

  • react-router-dom 在浏览器中使⽤,依赖 react-router

  • react-router-native 在 react-native 中使用,依赖 react-router

2.3 源码位置

  • react-router 源码位置 react-router/packages/react-router/modules/

  • react-router-dom 源码位置 react-router/packages/react-router-dom/modules/

2.4 文件结构

  • Hooks暂不关注

  • <Link>

- <NavLink>

  • <Prompt> 暂不关注

  • <Redirect>

  • <Route>

  • <Router>

- <HashRouter>

- <BrowserRouter>

- <MemoryRouter> 暂不关注

- <StaticRouter> 暂不关注

  • <Switch>

  • generatePath 暂不关注

  • history

  • location 暂不关注

  • match 暂不关注

  • matchPath 暂不关注

  • withRouter

3、React-Router 源码分析

3.1 四种 Router 源码对比

<!--HashRouter-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码import React from "react";import { Router } from "react-router";import { createHashHistory as createHistory } from "history";/** * The public API for a <Router> that uses window.location.hash. */class HashRouter extends React.Component {  history = createHistory(this.props);  render() {    return <Router history={this.history} children={this.props.children} />;  }}export default HashRouter;

<!--BrowserRouter-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码import React from "react";import { Router } from "react-router";import { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from "history";/** * The public API for a <Router> that uses HTML5 history. */class BrowserRouter extends React.Component {  history = createHistory(this.props);  render() {    return <Router history={this.history} children={this.props.children} />;  }}export default BrowserRouter;

<!--MemoryRouter-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码import React from "react";import { createMemoryHistory as createHistory } from "history";import Router from "./Router.js";/** * The public API for a <Router> that stores location in memory. */class MemoryRouter extends React.Component {  history = createHistory(this.props);
render() { return <Router history={this.history} children={this.props.children} />; }}export default MemoryRouter;

<!--StaticRouter-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码import React from "react";import { createLocation, createPath } from "history";import Router from "./Router.js";/** * The public top-level API for a "static" <Router>, so-called because it * can't actually change the current location. Instead, it just records * location changes in a context object. Useful mainly in testing and * server-rendering scenarios. */class StaticRouter extends React.Component {  render() {    const { basename = "", context = {}, location = "/", ...rest } = this.props;    const history = {      createHref: path => addLeadingSlash(basename + createURL(path)),      action: "POP",      location: stripBasename(basename, createLocation(location)),      push: this.handlePush,      replace: this.handleReplace,      go: staticHandler("go"),      goBack: staticHandler("goBack"),      goForward: staticHandler("goForward"),      listen: this.handleListen,      block: this.handleBlock    };    return <Router {...rest} history={history} staticContext={context} />;  }}export default StaticRouter;

都是基于<Router>组件实现,区别就是传递不同的参数。重点关注 <HashRouter> 和 <BrowserRouter>

3.2 <Router> 源码分析

<!--Router-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码class Router extends React.Component {  render() {    return (      <RouterContext.Provider        value={{          history: this.props.history,          location: this.state.location,          match: Router.computeRootMatch(this.state.location.pathname),          //只有StaticRouter在使用,暂不考虑          staticContext: this.props.staticContext        }}      >        {/*HistoryContext在hooks中使用,暂不考虑*/}        <HistoryContext.Provider          children={this.props.children || null}          value={this.props.history}        />      </RouterContext.Provider>    );  }}

通过源码可以看出 Router 的核心功能就是提供以下数据

  • history,父组件传入,由 history 库生成

  • location,组件内计算生成

  • match,组件内静态方法计算生成

3.3 <Route> 源码分析

<!--Route-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码class Route extends React.Component {  render() {    return (      <RouterContext.Consumer>        {context => {          return (            <RouterContext.Provider value={props}>              {props.match                ? children                  ? typeof children === "function"                    ? __DEV__                      ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, this.props.path)                      : children(props)                    : children                  : component                  ? React.createElement(component, props)                  : render                  ? render(props)                  : null                : typeof children === "function"                ? __DEV__                  ? evalChildrenDev(children, props, this.props.path)                  : children(props)                : null}            </RouterContext.Provider>          );        }}      </RouterContext.Consumer>    );  }}


/*  * 1、检测是否 match  * 1.1 不匹配,children 为函数则返回 children(props),否则返回 null  * 1.2 匹配,进行第2步  *  * 2、检查 children  * 2.1 存在, children 为函数则返回 children(props),否则返回 children  * 2.2 不存在,进行第3步  *  * 3、检查component  * 3.1 存在,返回React.createElement(component, props)  * 3.2 不在存,进行第4步  *  * 4、检查render  * 4.1 存在,返回 render(props)  * 4.2 不存在,返回 null  * */getComponent(props, children, component, render) {  if (props.match) {    if (children) {      if (typeof children === "function") {        return children(props);      } else {        return children;      }    } else {      if (component) {        return React.createElement(component, props);      } else {        if (render) {          return render(props);        } else {          return null;        }      }    }  } else {    if (typeof children === "function") {      return children(props);    } else {      return null;    }  }}

通过源码可以看出 Reoute 的核心功能是渲染组件,并有以下特点

  • 三者优先级 children > component > render

  • children 为函数可以做到匹配与否都显示

  • children 为组件只能在匹配显示

  • component 只能为组件

  • render 只能为函数

3.4 <Redirect> 源码分析

<!--Switch-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码function Redirect({ computedMatch, to, push = false }) {  const method = push ? history.push : history.replace;  return (    <RouterContext.Consumer>      {context => {        return (          <Lifecycle            onMount={() => {              method(location);            }}            onUpdate={(self, prevProps) => {              method(location);            }}            to={to}          />        );      }}    </RouterContext.Consumer>  );}

通过源码可以看出 Redirect 的核心功能是跳转到 to 指向的页面。

3.5 <Switch> 源码分析

<!--Switch-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码class Switch extends React.Component {  render() {    return (      <RouterContext.Consumer>        {context => {          const location = this.props.location || context.location;          let element, match;          // 匹配第一个Route          React.Children.forEach(this.props.children, child => {            if (match == null && React.isValidElement(child)) {              element = child;              const path = child.props.path || child.props.from;              match = path                ? matchPath(location.pathname, { ...child.props, path })                : context.match;            }          });          //匹配则返回React生成的元素,否则返回null          return match            ? React.cloneElement(element, { location, computedMatch: match })            : null;        }}      </RouterContext.Consumer>    );  }}

通过源码可以看出 Switch 的核心功能是渲染匹配到第一个 Route 组件。

3.6 withRouter 源码分析

<!--withRouter-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码function withRouter(Component) {  const C = props => {    const { wrappedComponentRef, ...remainingProps } = props;    return (      //通过 Context.Consumer 传递 Router 属性给 Component,达到增强目的      <RouterContext.Consumer>        {context => {          return (            <Component              {...remainingProps}              {...context}              ref={wrappedComponentRef}            />          );        }}      </RouterContext.Consumer>    );  };  //静态属性拷贝  return hoistStatics(C, Component);}

通过源码可以看出 withRouter 的核心功能是 传递 Router 属性给 Component。

3.7 <Link> 源码分析

<!--Link-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码const Link = forwardRef(  (    {      component = LinkAnchor,      replace,      to,      innerRef, // TODO: deprecate      ...rest    },    forwardedRef  ) => {    return (      <RouterContext.Consumer>        {context => {          const { history } = context;
//把 to 属性转换成 href 属性 const location = normalizeToLocation( resolveToLocation(to, context.location), context.location ); const href = location ? history.createHref(location) : ""; //组装 props 数据 const props = { ...rest, href, navigate() { const location = resolveToLocation(to, context.location); const method = replace ? history.replace : history.push;
method(location); } }; // 设置forwardedRef props.ref = forwardedRef //创建并返回组件 return React.createElement(component, props); }} </RouterContext.Consumer> ); });

<!--LinkAnchor-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码const LinkAnchor = forwardRef(  (    {      innerRef, // TODO: deprecate      navigate,      onClick,      ...rest    },    forwardedRef  ) => {    const { target } = rest;
//组装 props 数据 let props = { ...rest, onClick: event => { //处理点击事件 try { if (onClick) onClick(event); } catch (ex) { event.preventDefault(); throw ex; } //执行路由跳转事件 if ( !event.defaultPrevented && // onClick prevented default event.button === 0 && // ignore everything but left clicks (!target || target === "_self") && // let browser handle "target=_blank" etc. !isModifiedEvent(event) // ignore clicks with modifier keys ) { event.preventDefault(); navigate(); } } };
// 设置forwardedRef props.ref = forwardedRef;
/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content */ return <a {...props} />; });

通过源码可以看出 Link 的核心功能如下

  • 通过 component 自定义 <Link>,否则默认使用 <LinkAnchor>

  • <Link> 的主要功能就是把 to 属性转换成 href 属性

  • <LinkAnchor> 主要功能是屏蔽 <a> 默认点击事件,使用 history 进行路由跳转

3.8 <NavLink> 源码分析

<!--NavLink-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码const NavLink = forwardRef(  (    {      "aria-current": ariaCurrent = "page",      activeClassName = "active",      activeStyle,      className: classNameProp,      exact,      isActive: isActiveProp,      location: locationProp,      sensitive,      strict,      style: styleProp,      to,      innerRef, // TODO: deprecate      ...rest    },    forwardedRef  ) => {    return (      <RouterContext.Consumer>        {context => {          //根据 isActive 属性判断是否 Active          const isActive = !!(isActiveProp            ? isActiveProp(match, currentLocation)            : match);          //根据 isActive 属性设置 className          const className = isActive            ? joinClassnames(classNameProp, activeClassName)            : classNameProp;          //根据 isActive 属性设置内联样式 style          const style = isActive ? { ...styleProp, ...activeStyle } : styleProp;          //组织 props 数据          const props = {            "aria-current": (isActive && ariaCurrent) || null,            className,            style,            to: toLocation,            ...rest          };          // 设置forwardedRef          props.ref = forwardedRef;          return <Link {...props} />;        }}      </RouterContext.Consumer>    );  });

通过源码可以看出 <NavLink> 的核心功能如下

  • 在 <Link> 基础上允许自定义默认和激活状态样式

  • isActive 优先级高于默认的路由匹配

4、history 源码分析

4.1 createBrowserHistory

<!--createBrowserHistory-->//便于梳理代码结构,已删除部分代码export function createBrowserHistory( options: BrowserHistoryOptions = {} ): BrowserHistory {  //获取 history  let { window = document.defaultView! } = options;  let globalHistory = window.history;

window.addEventListener(PopStateEventType, handlePop);
let action = Action.Pop; let [index, location] = getIndexAndLocation(); let listeners = createEvents<Listener>();
//pathname + search + hash function createHref(to: To) { return typeof to === 'string' ? to : createPath(to); }
//用来处理事件订阅 function applyTx(nextAction: Action) { action = nextAction; [index, location] = getIndexAndLocation(); listeners.call({ action, location }); }
//基于 pushState 方法实现 function push(to: To, state?: State) { let nextAction = Action.Push; let nextLocation = getNextLocation(to, state); function retry() { push(to, state); } if (allowTx(nextAction, nextLocation, retry)) { let [historyState, url] = getHistoryStateAndUrl(nextLocation, index + 1);
// TODO: Support forced reloading // try...catch because iOS limits us to 100 pushState calls :/ try { globalHistory.pushState(historyState, '', url); } catch (error) { // They are going to lose state here, but there is no real // way to warn them about it since the page will refresh... window.location.assign(url); } //用来处理事件订阅 applyTx(nextAction); } }
//基于replaceState方法实现 function replace(to: To, state?: State) { let nextAction = Action.Replace; let nextLocation = getNextLocation(to, state); function retry() { replace(to, state); }
if (allowTx(nextAction, nextLocation, retry)) { let [historyState, url] = getHistoryStateAndUrl(nextLocation, index);
// TODO: Support forced reloading globalHistory.replaceState(historyState, '', url);
//用来处理事件订阅 applyTx(nextAction); } }
//基于go方法实现 function go(delta: number) { globalHistory.go(delta); }
let history: BrowserHistory = { get action() { return action; }, get location() { return location; }, createHref, push, replace, go, back() { go(-1); }, forward() { go(1); }, listen(listener) { return listeners.push(listener); }, block(blocker) {...} };
return history;}
  • back、forward 都是基于 go 方法实现

  • push 基于 pushState 方法实现

  • replace 基于 replaceState 方法实现

  • 浏览器相关(url 输入、前进、后退)事件通过监听 popstate 事件处理,然后通过事件订阅的形式传递给 Route 组件


  • createHashHistory 同 createBrowserHistory

  • createMemoryHistory 同 createBrowserHistory





还未添加个人签名 2018.10.22 加入


