为什么 React Hooks 优于 HOCs(译)

In a modern React world, everyone uses function components with React Hooks. However, the concept of higher-order components (HOCs) is still applicable in a modern React world, because they can be used for class components and function components. Therefore they are the perfect bridge for using reusable abstractions among legacy and modern React components.
在当今的 React 世界,每个人都在使用具有 React Hooks 的函数组件。然而,高阶组件(HOCs)的概念也同样适用,因为它们可以在 Class 组件和函数组件中被使用。因此在可复用的抽象性上,它们是沟通传统和当今React组件的完美桥梁
I am still an advocate for higher-order components these days because their composable nature of enhancing components fascinates me. However, there are problems with HOCs which shouldn't be denied and which are entirely solved by React Hooks. This is why I want to point out these problems, so that developers can make an informed decision whether they want to use an HOC over an Hook for certain scenarios or whether they just want to go all-in with React Hooks after all.
现如今我仍旧是高阶组件的拥护者,因为它们的高度可组合特性吸引着我。然而,HOCs也存在一些不可被忽略的问题,并且这些问题在 React Hooks 中已经被解决。这也是为什么我想要指出这些问题,因为只有指出问题,开发者们才能在面对问题时做出合理的决定,比如在特殊的场景,他们更多的是想用HOC而不是使用Hook,或者他们想全部用React Hooks来解决所有问题
HOCS VS HOOKS:prop 的困惑
Let's take the following higher-order component (HOC) which is used for a conditional rendering. If there is an error, it renders an error message. If there is no error, it renders the given component:
Note how the HOC passes all the props to the given component if there is no error. Everything should be working fine this way, however, there may be too many props passed to the next component which isn't necessarily concerned about all of them.
For example, it could be that the next component doesn't care at all about the error, thus it would be a better practice to remove the error with a rest operator from the props before forwarding the props to the next component:
根据上面的示例,下一个组件对于这个错误信息根本不关心,因此在向下一个组件传递props之前,用rest 操作符将错误信息去掉是更好的实现方案
This version should work as well, at least if the given component doesn't need the error prop. However, these both versions of a HOC already show the surfacing problem of prop confusion when using HOCs. Most often props are just passed through HOCs by using the spread operator and only partly used in the HOC itself. Often it isn't clear from the start whether the given component needs all the props provided to the HOC (first version) or is just fine with only a part of the props (second version).
That's the first caveat of using a HOC; which gets quickly unpredictable when using multiple HOCs which are composed onto each other, because then one has not only to consider what props are needed for the given component, but also what props are needed for the other HOCs in the composition. For example, let's say we have another HOC for rendering a conditional loading indicator:
Both HOCs, withError
and withLoading
are composed on a component now. Once this component is used, it may look like the following:
Without knowing the implementation details of the HOCs, would you know which props are consumed by the HOCs and which are dedicated the the underlying component? It's not clear which props are really passed through to the actual DataTable component and which props are consumed by HOCs on the way.
Let's take this example one step further, by introducing another HOC for data fetching where we don't show the implementation details:
Suddenly we don't need data
, isLoading
, and error
anymore, because all this information is generated in the new withFetch
HOC by using the url
. What's interesting though is that isLoading
and error
, while generated inside the withFetch
HOC, will already be consumed on the way by withLoading
and withError
. On the other hand, the generated (here fetched) data
from withFetch
will be passed as prop to the underlying DataTable component.
会作为props 被下沉到DataTable组件中
In addition to all of this hidden magic, see how order matters too: withFetch
needs to be the outer HOC while withLoading
and withError
follow without any particular order here which gives lots of room for bugs.
In conclusion, all these props coming in and out from HOCs travel somehow through a blackbox which we need to examine with a closer look to really understand which props are produced on the way, which props are consumed on the way, and which props get passed through. Without looking into the HOCs, we don't know much about what happens between these layers.
Finally, in comparison, let's see how React Hooks solve this issue with one -- easy to understand from a usage perspective -- code snippet:
最后,做一个比较,我们通过一个代码片段来看React Hooks 是如何解决这个问题的,从使用者的角度来看,更容易理解这段代码
When using React Hooks, everything is laid out for us: We see all the props (here url
) that are going into our "blackbox" (here useFetch
) and all the props that are coming out from it (here data
, isLoading
, error
). Even though we don't know the implementation details of useFetch
, we clearly see which input goes in and which output comes out. And even though useFetch
can be treated as a blackbox like withFetch
and the other HOCs, we see the whole API contract with this React Hook in just one plain line of code.
当使用React Hooks时,所有的一切都呈现在我们面前:我们可以看到所有进入黑盒(
和其它HOCs一样是一个黑盒,但我们可以发现仅需要一行代码,就可以将整个API和React Hooks 建立关联
This wasn't as clear with HOCs before, because we didn't clearly see which props were needed (input) and which props were produced (output). In addition, there are not other HTML layers in between, because we just use the conditional rendering in the parent (or in the child) component.
以前在使用HOCs时,这些并不清晰,因为我们并不清楚哪些props是被需要的(输入),哪些props是被生成的(输出)。另外,在彼此之间也没有其它的 HTML 层级,因为我们仅仅是在父组件(或子组件)中进行条件渲染
If you give a component a prop with the same name two times, the latter will override the former:
When using a plain component like in the previous example, this issue gets quite obvious and we are less likely to override props accidentally (and only on purpose if we need to). However, with HOCs this gets messy again when two HOCs pass props with the same name.
The easiest illustration for this problem is by composing two identical HOCs on top of a component:
This is a very common scenario; often components need to fetch from multiple API endpoints.
As we have learned before, the withFetch
HOC expects an url
prop for the data fetching. Now we want to use this HOC two times and thus we are not able anymore fulfil both HOCs contract. In contrast, both HOCs will just operate on the latter URL which will lead to a problem. A solution (and yes, there is more than one solution) to this problem would be changing our withFetch
HOC to something more powerful in order to perform not a single but multiple requests:
This solution seems plausible, but let's let this sink in for a moment: The withFetch
HOC, previously just concerned about one data fetching -- which based on this one data fetching sets states for isLoading
and error
-- suddenly becomes a monster of complexity. There are many questions to answer here:
Does the loading indicator still show up even though one of the requests finished earlier?
Does the whole component render as an error if only one request fails?
What happens if one request depends on another request?
Despite of this making the HOC already a super complex (yet powerful) HOC -- where my personal gut would tell me it's too powerful -- we introduced another problem internally. Not only did we have the problem of passing a duplicated prop (here url
, which we solved with urls
) to the HOC, but also the HOC will output a duplicate prop (here data
) and pass it to the underlying component.
That's why, in this case the User component has to receive a merged data
props -- the information from both data fetches -- or has to receive an array of data -- whereas the first entry is set accordingly to the first URL and the second entry accordingly to the second URL. In addition, when both requests don't fulfil in parallel, one data entry can be empty while the other one is already there ...
Okay. I don't want to go any further fixing this here. There are solutions to this, but as I mentioned earlier, it would lead to making the withFetch
HOC more complicated than it should be and the situation of how to use the merged data
or data
array in the underlying component not much better from a developer's experience perspective.
Let's see how React Hooks solve this for us with one -- easy to understand from a usage perspective -- code snippet again:
接下来我们再用一段代码片段来看看React Hooks是如何解决这个问题的,从使用者的角度可能更容易理解
Do you see the flexibility we gain here? We only return early with an loading indicator if the user is still loading, however, if the user is already there and only the user profile is pending, we are only partially rendering a loading indicator where the data is missing (here also due to the power of component composition). We could do the same for the error, however, because we gained all this power over how to deal with the outcome of the requests, we can render the same error message for both errors. If we later decide we want to deal with both errors differently, we can do this in this one component and not in our abstraction (whether it's HOC or Hook).
After all, and that's why we come to this conclusion in the first place, we avoided the naming collision by renaming the variables which comes as output from the React Hooks within the object destructuring. When using HOCs, we need to be aware of HOCs maybe using the same names for props internally. It's often obvious when using the same HOC twice, but what happens if you are using two different HOCs which -- just by accident -- use the same naming for a prop? They would override each others data and leave you baffled why your receiving component doesn't get the correct props.
最后,这就是为什么我们优先得出的结论,我们通过对React Hooks解构得出的变量进行重命名的方式解决命名冲突的问题,当使用HOC时,我们需要提前知道HOC内部可能会用到相同名称的props。这种在同一个HOC中调用两次的情况是很明显的,但是假如你是在两个不同的HOC中(特殊情况下)用了相同名称的prop,会发生什么?它们会彼此覆盖,并且你会困惑,为什么你的接收组件没有获取到正确的props
HOCs are powerful, perhaps too powerful? HOCs can receive arguments two ways: When they receive props from the parent component (as we have seen before) and when they enhance a component. Let's elaborate the latter by example.
HOCs 是强大的,也许是太强大了?HOC可以通过两种途径接收参数:从父组件接收props(正如之前我们看到的)和增加一个组件,我们通过下面的例子对后者进行说明
Take our withLoading
and withError
HOCs from before but this time more powerful:
With these extra arguments -- here passed through a higher-order function surrounding the HOC -- we gain additional power to provide arguments when creating the enhanced component with our HOCs:
This contributes an (1) positive and (2) negative effect to the Prop Confusion problem from before, because now we have (2) more than one place from where the HOC receives props (which doesn't make things easier to understand), but then again (1) we can avoid the implicit prop passing from the parent component (where we don't know whether this prop is consumed by the HOC or the underlying component) and try to pass props from the very beginning when enhancing the component instead.
However, in the end, these arguments (here the objects with errorText
and loadingText
) passed when enhancing the component are static. We are not able to interpolate them with any props from the parent component here, because we are creating the composed component outside of any component. For instance, in the data fetching example we wouldn't be able to introduce a flexible user ID:
Even though there are ways to overcome this, it doesn't make this whole props passing any more easier to understand:
Making this scenario even more complex by adding another challenge: What happens if the second request depends on the first request? For instance, the first request returns an user by ID and the second request returns a user's profile based on the profileId
which we only get with the first request:
We introduced two HOCs which are tightly coupled here. In another solution, we may have created one powerful HOC to solve this for us. However, this shows us that it's difficult to create HOCs which depend on each other.
In contrast, let's see how this mess is solved by React Hooks again:
相对的,我们再来看一下React Hooks 是如何解决这个情况的
Because React Hooks can be used directly in a function component, they can build up onto each other and it's straightforward to pass data from one hook to another hook if they depend on each other. There is also no real blackbox again, because we can clearly see which information needs to be passed to these custom hooks and which information comes out from them. When using React Hooks that depend on each other, the dependencies are more explicit compared to using HOCs.
因为 React Hooks 是可以直接被用在一个函数组件中,所以它们是可以建立在彼此之上的,并且如果它们彼此依赖,从一个hook向另一个hook传递数据也是很方便的。并且不再有真正的黑盒,因为我们可以清楚的看到哪些信息需要被传递给这些自定义的hooks,哪些信息是来自于它们。当使用这种彼此依赖的React Hooks时,依赖关系比用HOC更清晰
In the aftermath, I am still a big fan of HOCs for shielding away complexity from components (e.g. conditional rendering, protected routes). But as these last scenarios have shown, they are not always the best solution. Hence my recommendation would be using React Hooks instead.
最后,我仍旧是HOC的fans,因为它将组件的复杂性进行了封装(比如,条件渲染,路由守卫等)。但是正如最后的这些场景所展示的,它们并不一定是最好的解决方案。因此,我的建议还是用 React Hooks
版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【西贝】的原创文章。