架構師訓練營 week2 總結
1. 从编程历史看面向对象编程的本质与未来
Goal of programing
use a computer to solve problems of the real world
Process of programing:
build the relationship between “computer’s model” and questions of the real world.
Programing is an “abstract” mechanism, the question is “abstract whom"

What is OOP?
Everything is an object
Objects communicate only by sending each other messages
Every object is an instance of a class.
Classes are used to define the set of messages an instance of that class responds to, as well as the variables contained in every instance of that class
What is Object?
state: each object can have its own data
behavior: each object can do something
Identity: every object is different (uniq address)
3 factors of OOP
Hide implementation detail
the sender of a stimulus does not need to know the receiving instance’s class. The receiving instance can belogin to an arbitrary class

The goals of OOP
high cohesion and low coupling
Extend: easy to add a new feature
Porting: can run in different environments
Simple: easy to understand and maintain
A tool that allows to develop software and create systems.
An Implementation of a real architecture design
Provide some design patterns, let developers design a good program easily
Frameworks VS Library
a framework uses programming code
Programing code uses a library
The architect uses a framework to make sure architecture landing
The architect uses the library to improve the effectiveness
2. 糟糕的代码有哪些特点?
Bad smell code
Rigidity: not easy to update
Rigid code is resistance to change, change it, and you have to change something else
Fragility: update A but break B
Fragile code breaks due to external changes or untested uses of the system
Immobility: hard to reuse
Viscosity: changes or additions are easier to implement by doing the wrong thing
Needless Complexity
Needless Repetition
One bad case
Copy from keyboard and write to printer

it should be

Abstract “Copy”
Copy from where => Reader
Copy to where => Writer
One use case
我們按下 send 按鈕,系統接通無線網路,同時銀幕顯示正在撥號
號碼 => 不能交互、沒有行為
按鍵音 => 不能交互、沒有行為
Send 按鈕
系統 => 代表整個系統,所以也不用算在物件裡面
無線網路 => 不能交互、沒有行為

What is the problem:
If I want to add one more “Button" type, I need to update the button class
If I update Dialer, it might affect “Button"
Switch, if/else is fragile
Buttons of coded lock only need digit buttons, but the current design let them have to have “send” button
3. 开闭原则介绍及代码分析
OCP: Open/Closed Principle
Open for extension
Extend Module, Class, Method
Closed for modification
Not update current Module, Class, Method
What we need to do it let modification can be more “concentrated", “fewer”, “in high level”. Let the most complicated logic part to meet OCP
We should always think about “Extension”, “Abstraction”, “Encapsulation"
Encapsulate changeable part and provide abstract non-changeable interface

sample code
4. 依赖倒置原则介绍及代码案例分析
DIP: Dependency Inversion Principle
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
What does “Inversion” do?
Dependence of modules
Order and responsibility of development
Hierarchical software design
High level module decide low level module

Button 的本質是什麼
用什麼機制檢測 => 不重要 => 由不同的低層模塊實現、擴展
目標對象是什麼 => 不重要 => 由不同的低層模塊實現、擴展
Tomcat (high level) and Java Web (low level)
Both rely on “Servlet specification"
“Servlet specification” does not rely on the detail of Tomcat or Java Web
5. 里氏替换原则
Design by contract
Child class design should follow the father's class’s contract. Father defines the behavior of the function, then the child can update the detailed logic, but the child can’t update the original behavior.
Input, output, error handling.
Child <-> Father => Implementation <-> Interface
When you design and define classes, you should use “behavior” to define different classes
How to fix the LSP issue?
Put the same behaviors to a base class
Use assembly instead of inherited
How to validate LSP?
Check from the context
6 单一职责接口隔离
SRP: Single Responsibility Principle
There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.
Anti patten

fix it

How to separate classes?
clarify the responsibility
出現這些情況,容易不符合 SRP
ISP: Interface Segregation Principlew
Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use
一組 API 接口集合
單個 API 的接口或函數
OOP 中的接口概念
Related cohesion
SRP => how to design a class => There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.
ISP => how to design an interface => from clients' view, they should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use
It is very difficult to fully meet SRP, but we still can use ISP to separate to different interfaces and then limit the effect scope when changing