优雅地利用 c++ 编程从 1 乘到 20 | 技术总结
发布于: 2020 年 07 月 22 日
#include <cmath>return std::tgamma(20 + 1);
// NOTE: Only compatible with C++14 or later versions.#include <functional>#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // y = λf. (λx. x x) (λx. f (λn. (x x) n)) const auto y = [] (const auto& f) { return [&f] (const auto& x) { return x(x); } ([&f] (const auto& x) -> std::function<long unsigned int(long unsigned int)> { return f([&x] (long unsigned int n) { return x(x)(n); }); }); }; // almost_fac = λf. λn. if n > 0 then n × f (n - 1) else 1 const auto almost_fac = [] (auto&& f) { return [f] (long unsigned int n) { return n > 0 ? n * f(n - 1) : 1; }; }; std::cout << y(almost_fac)(20) << std::endl; return 0;}
// NOTE: Only compatible with C++17 or later versions.#include <iostream>#include <type_traits>#include <utility>namespace {template <typename T> struct FactorialHelper;template <long unsigned int... Ns>struct FactorialHelper<std::integer_sequence<long unsigned int, Ns...>> : public std::integral_constant<long unsigned int, ((Ns + 1) * ...)> {};template <long unsigned int N>using Factorial = FactorialHelper< std::make_integer_sequence<long unsigned int, N>>;} // namespaceint main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cout << Factorial<20>::value << std::endl; return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <utility>template<uint64_t N>constexpr uint64_t fact = fact<N - 1> * N;template<>constexpr uint64_t fact<0> = 1;template<std::size_t...I> constexpr auto foo(std::index_sequence<I...>) { return ((I+1) * ...); }int main() { std::cout << foo(std::make_index_sequence<20>()) << std::endl;}
#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <type_traits>using BaseType_t = long long;constexpr BaseType_t lgBase = 9; // 注意10000*10000刚刚好小于int的取值范围constexpr BaseType_t Base = 1000000000; // 注意10000*10000刚刚好小于int的取值范围// 大整数的表示template<BaseType_t...I> struct BigInteger { using type = BigInteger;};// 连接template<class T1, class T2> struct BI_Cat;template<BaseType_t...I1, BaseType_t...I2> struct BI_Cat <BigInteger<I1...>, BigInteger<I2...>> : BigInteger<I1..., I2...> {};// 左移一个单元(即*Base)template<class T> struct BI_SHL;template<BaseType_t...I> struct BI_SHL<BigInteger<I...>> : BigInteger<I..., 0> {};// 去除开头的0template<class T> struct BI_Remove_Zeros : T {};template<BaseType_t...I> struct BI_Remove_Zeros<BigInteger<0, I...>> : BI_Remove_Zeros<BigInteger<I...>> {};// 填充0到N个单元template<int X, class IS> struct BI_Fill_Impl;template<int X, class T, T...I> struct BI_Fill_Impl<X, std::integer_sequence<T, I...>> : BigInteger<(I, X)...> {};template<int Size> struct BI_Fill_Zeros : BI_Fill_Impl<0, std::make_index_sequence<Size>> {};template<class T, int N> struct BI_Resize;template<BaseType_t...I, int N> struct BI_Resize<BigInteger<I...>, N> : BI_Cat<typename BI_Fill_Zeros<N - sizeof...(I)>::type, BigInteger<I...>> {};// 返回较大的数值template<int A, int B> struct int_min : std::integral_constant<int, (A<B?B:A)> {};// 非进位加法:先把两个数的位数改成一样的然后依次相加template<class A, class B, class ShouldResize> struct BI_AddNotCarry_Impl;template<BaseType_t...I1, BaseType_t...I2> struct BI_AddNotCarry_Impl <BigInteger<I1...>, BigInteger<I2...>, std::true_type> : BigInteger<(I1 + I2)...> {};template<BaseType_t...I1, BaseType_t...I2> struct BI_AddNotCarry_Impl <BigInteger<I1...>, BigInteger<I2...>, std::false_type> : BI_AddNotCarry_Impl< typename BI_Resize<BigInteger<I1...>, int_min<sizeof...(I1), sizeof...(I2)>::value>::type, typename BI_Resize<BigInteger<I2...>, int_min<sizeof...(I1), sizeof...(I2)>::value>::type, std::true_type >{};template<class A, class B> struct BI_AddNotCarry;template<BaseType_t...I1, BaseType_t...I2> struct BI_AddNotCarry <BigInteger<I1...>, BigInteger<I2...>> : BI_AddNotCarry_Impl<BigInteger<I1...>, BigInteger<I2...>, std::bool_constant<sizeof...(I1) == sizeof...(I2)>> {};// 判断是否为0template<class Y> struct BI_IsZero;template<BaseType_t...I> struct BI_IsZero<BigInteger<I...>> : std::bool_constant<((I == 0) && ...)> {};// 自动进位template<class A> struct BI_Carry;template<class A, class B> struct BI_Add : BI_Carry<typename BI_AddNotCarry<A, B>::type> {};template<class Mod, class Div, class ShouldCalc = typename BI_IsZero<Div>::type> struct BI_Carry_Impl;template<class Mod, class Div> struct BI_Carry_Impl<Mod, Div, std::true_type> : Mod {};template<class Mod, class Div> struct BI_Carry_Impl<Mod, Div, std::false_type> : BI_Add<Mod, typename BI_SHL<Div>::type > {};template<BaseType_t...I> struct BI_Carry<BigInteger<I...>> : BI_Remove_Zeros<typename BI_Carry_Impl<BigInteger<(I % Base)...>, BigInteger<(I / Base)...>>::type> {};// 乘以X并自动进位template<class A, int X> struct BI_MulX;template<BaseType_t...I1, int X> struct BI_MulX <BigInteger<I1...>, X> : BI_Carry<BigInteger<(I1 * X)...>> {};// 计算阶乘template<int X> struct BI_Fact : BI_MulX<typename BI_Fact<X-1>::type, X> {};template<> struct BI_Fact<0> : BigInteger<1> {};template<BaseType_t...I>std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, BigInteger<I...>) { return ((out << std::setfill('0') << I << std::setw(lgBase)), ...);}int main(){ std::cout << typename BI_Fact<20>::type() << std::endl;}
发布于: 2020 年 07 月 22 日 阅读数: 32
版权声明: 本文为 InfoQ 作者【chaozh】的原创文章。
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