目标检测 -darknet 之模型初始化

首先看的是darknet中对于net struct 的具体定义
// 首先看网络中定义的network这个大的struct,包含了网络的所有参数
typedef struct network {
int n; //网络的层数, 调用make_network(int n)时赋值
int batch; //一批训练中的图片参数, 和subdivsions参数相关
uint64_t *seen; //目前已经读入的图片张数(网络已经处理的图片张数)
int *cur_iteration; // 当前的iteration
float loss_scale;
int *t;
float epoch; //到目前为止训练了整个数据集的次数
int subdivisions;
layer *layers; //用于存储网络中的所有层
float *output;
learningratepolicy policy; // 学习率下降策略
int benchmark_layers;
int *total_bbox;
int *rewritten_bbox;
// 梯度下降法相关参数
float learning_rate; // 学习率
float learningratemin; // 学习率最小值
float learningratemax; // 学习率最大值
int batchespercycle;
int batchescyclemult;
float momentum;
float decay;
float gamma;
float scale;
float power;
int time_steps;
int step;
int max_batches;
int num_boxes;
int trainimagesnum;
float *seq_scales;
float *scales;
int *steps;
int num_steps;
int burn_in;
int cudnn_half;
// ADAM优化方法相关策略
int adam;
float B1;
float B2;
float eps;
int inputs;
int outputs;
int truths;
int notruth;
int h, w, c;
int max_crop;
int min_crop;
float max_ratio;
float min_ratio;
int center;
int flip; // horizontal flip 50% probability augmentaiont for classifier training (default = 1)
int gaussian_noise;
int blur;
int mixup;
float labelsmootheps;
int resize_step;
int attention;
int adversarial;
float adversarial_lr;
float maxchartloss;
int letter_box;
int mosaic_bound;
int contrastive;
int contrastivejitflip;
int unsupervised;
float angle;
float aspect;
float exposure;
float saturation;
float hue;
int random;
int track;
int augment_speed;
int sequential_subdivisions;
int initsequentialsubdivisions;
int current_subdivision;
int tryfixnan;
//darknet 为每个GPU维护一个相同的network, 每个network以gpu_index区分
int gpu_index;
tree *hierarchy;
//中间变量, 用来暂存某层网络的输入(包含一个batch的输入,比如某层网络完成前向,
float *input;
// 中间变量,与上面的 input 对应,用来暂存 input 数据对应的标签数据(真实数据)
float *truth;
// 中间变量,用来暂存某层网络的梯度图(反向传播处理当前层时,用来存储上一层的敏
float *delta;
// 网络的工作空间, 指的是所有层中占用运算空间最大的那个层的workspace_size,
// 因为实际上在GPU或CPU中某个时刻只有一个层在做前向或反向运算
float *workspace;
// 网络是否处于训练阶段的标志参数,如果是则值为1. 这个参数一般用于训练与测试阶段有不
// 同操作的情况,比如 dropout 层,在训练阶段才需要进行 forwarddropoutlayer()
// 函数, 测试阶段则不需要进入到该函数
int train;
// 标志参数,当前网络的活跃层
int index;
float *cost;
float clip;
//#ifdef GPU
//float *input_gpu;
//float *truth_gpu;
float *delta_gpu;
float *output_gpu;
float *inputstategpu;
float *inputpinnedcpu;
int inputpinnedcpu_flag;
float **input_gpu;
float **truth_gpu;
float **input16_gpu;
float **output16_gpu;
sizet *maxinput16_size;
sizet *maxoutput16_size;
int wait_stream;
float *globaldeltagpu;
float *statedeltagpu;
sizet maxdeltagpusize;
//#endif // GPU
int optimized_memory;
int dynamic_minibatch;
sizet workspacesize_limit;
} network;
// train_detector()读取完数据参数,就开始初始化网络了
// 这里可以看出对于多卡训练的方式是在每个GPU上初始化一个模型。
network nets = (network)xcalloc(ngpus, sizeof(network));
接着通过 parsenetworkcfg_custom()
network parsenetworkcfg_custom(char *filename, int batch, int time_steps)
// 从神经网络结构参数文件中读入所有神经网络层的结构参数, 存储到sections中,
// sections的每个node包含一层神经网络的所有结构参数
list *sections = read_cfg(filename); // 每创建一个网络, 都要读一把cfg配置文件
// 获取sections的第一个节点, 可以查看一下cfg/***.cfg文件, 其实第一块参数(以[net]开头)不是某层神经网络的参数,
// 而是关于整个网络的一些通用参数, 比如学习率, 衰减率, 输入图像宽高, batch大小等,
// 具体的关于某个网络层的参数是从第二块开始的,如[convolutional],[maxpool]...,
// 这些层并没有编号,只说明了层的属性,但层的参数都是按顺序在文件中排好的,读入时,
// sections链表上的顺序就是文件中的排列顺序。
node *n = sections->front; // sections->front为大链上的第一个节点, sections可以称之为大链的虚拟头节点
if(!n) error("Config file has no sections");
// 创建网络结构并动态分配内存:输入网络层数为sections->size - 1,sections的第一段不是网络层,而是通用网络参数
network net = make_network(sections->size - 1); // 构建网络, sections->size-1表示网络层数
// 所用显卡的卡号(gpu_index在cuda.c中用extern关键字声明)
// 在调用parsenetworkcfg()之前,使用了cudasetdevice()设置了gpu_index的值号为当前活跃GPU卡号
net.gpuindex = gpuindex;
size_params params;
if (batch > 0) params.train = 0; // allocates memory for Detection only
else params.train = 1; // allocates memory for Detection & Training
section s = (section )n->val; // n->val是一个void*类型的指针.用时需要进行强制类型转换
list *options = s->options; // 获取大链上第一个节点上的val下面的options, 其实也就是cfg中[net]段对应的一系列配置
if(!is_network(s)) error("First section must be [net] or [network]");
parsenetoptions(options, &net); // 这里主要是解析***.cfg中的[net]字段部分的配置, 并为net网络赋值相关参数
//只是简单的给net struct 里面的变量赋初始值。
network make_network(int n) //为network结构体分配内存空间
network net = {0}; // 这句话表示为结构体network所有变量首先进行初始化,所有元素初始化为0, NULL也是0.
net.n = n; // 网络层数,传入的是net,size -1,是减去了一层的网络配置,其余的就是各种不同层的数量
net.layers = (layer*)xcalloc(net.n, sizeof(layer)); // 为每个网络层在堆上开辟内存空间
net.seen = (uint64t*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(uint64t)); // 已被训练的图片数
net.cur_iteration = (int*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(int)); // 当前迭代次数
net.total_bbox = (int*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(int));
net.rewritten_bbox = (int*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(int));
net.rewritten_bbox = net.total_bbox = 0;
#ifdef GPU
net.input_gpu = (float*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(float));
net.truth_gpu = (float*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(float));
net.input16_gpu = (float*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(float));
net.output16_gpu = (float*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(float));
net.maxinput16size = (sizet*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(sizet));
net.maxoutput16size = (sizet*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(sizet));
return net;
对cfg 中network相关的参数处理的函数比较长,很多都有默认的设置值,在明确配置的情况下,按默认的情况取值。
void parsenetoptions(list options, network net)
{ // 这个max_batchs也就是网络一共要迭代多少次, 每次迭代都会seen batchsize数目的图片
net->maxbatches = optionfind_int(options, "max_batches", 0);
net->batch = optionfindint(options, "batch",1);
net->learningrate = optionfind_float(options, "learning_rate", .001);
net->learningratemin = optionfindfloatquiet(options, "learningrate_min", .00001);
net->batchespercycle = optionfindint_quiet(options, "sgdr_cycle", net->max_batches);
net->batchescyclemult = optionfindint_quiet(options, "sgdr_mult", 2);
net->momentum = optionfindfloat(options, "momentum", .9);
net->decay = optionfindfloat(options, "decay", .0001);
int subdivs = optionfindint(options, "subdivisions",1);
// timesteps是RNN中的概念,即在更新梯度时,不仅仅考虑当前的输入的一个batch,而且还考虑前面timesteps个
// batch,所以才在后面又对net->batch做了乘time_steps的运算。当然我们这里是目标检测,不用考虑以前的历史数
// 据,自然time_steps等于1.
net->timesteps = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "time_steps",1);
net->track = optionfindint_quiet(options, "track", 0);
net->augmentspeed = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "augment_speed", 2);
net->initsequentialsubdivisions = net->sequentialsubdivisions = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "sequential_subdivisions", subdivs);
if (net->sequentialsubdivisions > subdivs) net->initsequentialsubdivisions = net->sequentialsubdivisions = subdivs;
net->tryfixnan = optionfindint_quiet(options, "try_fix_nan", 0);
// 这里解释一下为什么net->batch/subdivs之后又乘以net->time_steps, 主要是为了服务RNN.
// 参考网址: https://blog.csdn.net/avideointerfaces/article/details/90695438
net->batch /= subdivs; // mini_batch. 网络每次迭代都会吃net->batch*subdivs数量的图片, 但是会被分成mini-batch份.
const int mini_batch = net->batch;
net->batch = net->time_steps; // mini_batch time_steps
net->subdivisions = subdivs; // number of mini_batches
*net->seen = 0; // 当前训练的图片数量
*net->cur_iteration = 0; // 当前网络的迭代次数
net->lossscale = optionfind_float_quiet(options, "loss_scale", 1);
net->dynamicminibatch = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "dynamic_minibatch", 0);
net->optimizedmemory = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "optimized_memory", 0);
// 网络工作空间的最大容量限制.
net->workspacesizelimit = (size_t)10241024 optionfindfloatquiet(options, "workspacesize_limit_MB", 1024);
// ADAM优化器相关参数: B1, B2和eps
net->adam = optionfindint_quiet(options, "adam", 0); // 如果采用的是adam优化器, 则需要定义B1, B2和eps
net->B1 = optionfindfloat(options, "B1", .9);
net->B2 = optionfindfloat(options, "B2", .999);
net->eps = optionfindfloat(options, "eps", .000001);
net->h = optionfindint_quiet(options, "height",0); // 网络输入图片的高度
net->w = optionfindint_quiet(options, "width",0); // 网络输入图片的宽度
net->c = optionfindint_quiet(options, "channels",0); // 网络输入图片的通道数
// 由于数据在内存上是线性存储, net->inputs就表示一张输入图片的内存占有空间量.
net->inputs = optionfindint_quiet(options, "inputs", net->h net->w net->c);
// maxcrop/mincrop: 输入图的最小边需要在[mincrop,maxcrop]区间内,如果输入和这个不符合,
// 则通过缩放使之符合。另外有一对参数maxratio/minratio和一对参数作用是一样的.
// mincrop默认为net->w; maxcrop默认为net->2*w.
net->maxcrop = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "max_crop",net->w*2);
net->mincrop = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "min_crop",net->w);
// 数据增强操作, flip, blur, noise用于公共数据增强, cutmix, mixup, mosaic主要用于目标检测
net->flip = optionfindint_quiet(options, "flip", 1);
net->blur = optionfindint_quiet(options, "blur", 0);
net->gaussiannoise = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "gaussian_noise", 0);
net->mixup = optionfindint_quiet(options, "mixup", 0);
int cutmix = optionfindint_quiet(options, "cutmix", 0);
int mosaic = optionfindint_quiet(options, "mosaic", 0);
if (mosaic && cutmix) net->mixup = 4;
else if (cutmix) net->mixup = 2;
else if (mosaic) net->mixup = 3;
net->letterbox = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "letter_box", 0);
net->mosaicbound = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "mosaic_bound", 0);
net->contrastive = optionfindint_quiet(options, "contrastive", 0);
net->contrastivejitflip = optionfindint_quiet(options, "contrastive_jit_flip", 0);
net->unsupervised = optionfindint_quiet(options, "unsupervised", 0);
if (net->contrastive && mini_batch < 2) {
printf(" Error: mini_batch size (batch/subdivisions) should be higher than 1 for Contrastive loss \n");
net->labelsmootheps = optionfindfloatquiet(options, "labelsmooth_eps", 0.0f); // 执行标签平滑操作
net->resizestep = optionfind_float_quiet(options, "resize_step", 32);
net->attention = optionfindint_quiet(options, "attention", 0);
net->adversariallr = optionfind_float_quiet(options, "adversarial_lr", 0);
net->maxchartloss = optionfindfloatquiet(options, "maxchart_loss", 20.0);
// 这也是一些数据增强的操作
net->angle = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "angle", 0); // 图片旋转角度
net->aspect = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "aspect", 1); // 宽高比
net->saturation = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "saturation", 1); // 饱和度
net->exposure = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "exposure", 1); // 曝光
net->hue = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "hue", 0); // 色度
net->power = optionfindfloat_quiet(options, "power", 4); // power是啥?
if(!net->inputs && !(net->h && net->w && net->c)) error("No input parameters supplied");
// 学习率修改策略
char *policys = optionfind_str(options, "policy", "constant");
net->policy = getpolicy(policys);
net->burnin = optionfind_int_quiet(options, "burnin", 0); // warmup
#ifdef GPU
if (net->gpu_index >= 0) {
char device_name[1024];
int computecapability = getgpu_compute_capability(net->gpuindex, devicename);
if (computecapability >= 700) net->cudnnhalf = 1;
else net->cudnn_half = 0;
#endif// CUDNN_HALF
fprintf(stderr, " %d : computecapability = %d, cudnnhalf = %d, GPU: %s \n", net->gpuindex, computecapability, net->cudnnhalf, devicename);
else fprintf(stderr, " GPU isn't used \n");
#endif// GPU
if(net->policy == STEP){
net->step = optionfindint(options, "step", 1);
net->scale = optionfindfloat(options, "scale", 1);
else if (net->policy == STEPS || net->policy == SGDR){
char *l = option_find(options, "steps");
char *p = option_find(options, "scales");
char *s = optionfind(options, "seqscales");
if(net->policy == STEPS && (!l || !p))
error("STEPS policy must have steps and scales in cfg file");
if (l) {
int len = strlen(l);
int n = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (l[i] == '#') break;
if (l[i] == ',') ++n; // 通过检索字符','来确定步数间隔区间
int steps = (int)xcalloc(n, sizeof(int));
float scales = (float)xcalloc(n, sizeof(float));
float seq_scales = (float)xcalloc(n, sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float scale = 1.0;
if (p) {
scale = atof(p);
p = strchr(p, ',') + 1; // strchr()函数用于查找给定字符串中某一个特定字符.
float sequence_scale = 1.0;
if (s) {
sequence_scale = atof(s);
s = strchr(s, ',') + 1;
int step = atoi(l);
l = strchr(l, ',') + 1;
steps[i] = step;
scales[i] = scale;
seqscales[i] = sequencescale;
net->scales = scales;
net->steps = steps;
net->seqscales = seqscales;
net->num_steps = n;
} else if (net->policy == EXP){
net->gamma = optionfindfloat(options, "gamma", 1);
} else if (net->policy == SIG){
net->gamma = optionfindfloat(options, "gamma", 1);
net->step = optionfindint(options, "step", 1);
} else if (net->policy == POLY || net->policy == RANDOM){
//net->power = optionfindfloat(options, "power", 1);